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  • Synopsis
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  • Example

New in version 4.0.1.

A dropDatabase event occurs when a database is dropped.


A BSON object which serves as an identifier for the change stream event. This value is used as the resumeToken for the resumeAfter parameter when resuming a change stream. The _id object has the following form:

"_data" : <BinData|hex string>

The _data type depends on the MongoDB versions and, in some cases, the feature compatibility version (fCV) at the time of the change stream's opening or resumption. See Resume Tokens for the full list of _data types.

For an example of resuming a change stream by resumeToken, see Resume a Change Stream.


The timestamp from the oplog entry associated with the event.

Change stream event notifications associated with a multi-document transaction all have the same clusterTime value: the time when the transaction was committed.

On sharded clusters, events with the same clusterTime may not all relate to the same transaction. Some events don't relate to a transaction at all.

To identify events for a single transaction, you can use the combination of lsid and txnNumber in the change stream event document.

New in version 4.0.


The identifier for the session associated with the transaction.

Only present if the operation is part of a multi-document transaction.

New in version 4.0.


The namespace (database and or collection) affected by the event.


The name of the database where the event occurred.


The type of operation that the change notification reports.

Returns a value of dropDatabase for these change events.


Together with the lsid, a number that helps uniquely identify a transction.

Only present if the operation is part of a multi-document transaction.

New in version 4.0.


The server date and time of the database operation. wallTime differs from clusterTime in that clusterTime is a timestamp taken from the oplog entry associated with the database operation event.

New in version 6.0.

The following example illustrates a dropDatabase event:

"_id": { <Resume Token> },
"operationType": "dropDatabase",
"clusterTime": <Timestamp>,
"wallTime": <ISODate>,
"ns": {
"db": "engineering"

A dropDatabase command generates a drop event for each collection in the database before generating a dropDatabase event for the database.

A dropDatabase event leads to an invalidate event for change streams opened against its own ns.db database.

← drop Event