Realm C++ SDK Version v2.2.0
Public Member Functions | List of all members

realm::internal::bridge::object Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

 object (const object &other)
objectoperator= (const object &other)
 object (object &&other)
objectoperator= (object &&other)
 object (const Object &)
 object (const realm &realm, const obj &obj)
 object (const realm &realm, const obj_link &link)
 operator Object () const
obj get_obj () const
realm get_realm () const
bool is_valid () const
notification_token add_notification_callback (std::shared_ptr< collection_change_callback > &&cb)
object_schema get_object_schema () const
list get_list (const col_key &) const
dictionary get_dictionary (const col_key &) const

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