Realm C++ SDK Version v2.2.0
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
realm::logger Struct Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for realm::logger:

Public Types

enum class  level {
  all = 0 , trace = 1 , debug = 2 , detail = 3 ,
  info = 4 , warn = 5 , error = 6 , fatal = 7 ,
  off = 8

Public Member Functions

virtual void do_log (level, const std::string &)=0
void set_level_threshold (level l)
level get_level_threshold () const

Protected Attributes

level m_level_threshold

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ level

enum class realm::logger::level

Specifies criticality when passed to log().

error   Be silent unless when there is an error.
warn    Be silent unless when there is an error or a warning.
info    Reveal information about what is going on, but in a
        minimalistic fashion to avoid general overhead from logging
        and to keep volume down.
detail  Same as 'info', but prioritize completeness over minimalism.
debug   Reveal information that can aid debugging, no longer paying
        attention to efficiency.
trace   A version of 'debug' that allows for very high volume

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