
A Realm Result holds the results of querying the Realm.

See also


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abstract override val size: Int


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abstract fun asFlow(keyPaths: List<String>? = null): Flow<ResultsChange<T>>

Observe changes to the RealmResult. Once subscribed the flow will emit a InitialResults event and then a UpdatedResults on any change to the objects represented by the query backing the RealmResults. The flow will continue running indefinitely except if the results are from a backlinks property, then they will stop once the target object is deleted.

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abstract operator override fun contains(element: T): Boolean
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abstract override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean
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inline fun <T : TypedRealmObject> RealmResults<T>.copyFromRealm(depth: UInt = UInt.MAX_VALUE): List<T>

Makes an unmanaged in-memory copy of the elements in a RealmResults. This is a deep copy that will copy all referenced objects.

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abstract operator fun get(index: Int): T
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abstract fun indexOf(element: T): Int
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abstract override fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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abstract operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<T>
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abstract fun lastIndexOf(element: T): Int
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abstract fun listIterator(): ListIterator<T>
abstract fun listIterator(index: Int): ListIterator<T>
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abstract fun query(query: String = TRUE_PREDICATE, vararg args: Any?): RealmQuery<T>

Perform a query on the objects of this result using the Realm Query Language.

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abstract fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): List<T>
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Instantiates an unmanaged RealmDictionary containing all the elements of this iterable of Pairs of Strings and Ts.

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Instantiates an unmanaged RealmList containing all the elements of this iterable.

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Instantiates an unmanaged RealmSet containing all the elements of this iterable.

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abstract fun version(): VersionId

Returns the Realm version of this object. This version number is tied to the transaction the object was read from.