Package-level declarations
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data class ListPropertyType(val storageType: RealmStorageType, val isNullable: Boolean = false, val isComputed: Boolean) : RealmPropertyType
A RealmPropertyType describing list properties like RealmList or RealmResults.
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data class MapPropertyType(val storageType: RealmStorageType, val isNullable: Boolean = false) : RealmPropertyType
A RealmPropertyType describing map properties like RealmDictionary.
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interface RealmClass
A RealmClass describing the object model of a specific class.
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Enum describing what kind of Realm object it is.
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interface RealmProperty
A RealmProperty describes the properties of a class property in the object model.
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interface RealmPropertyType
A RealmPropertyType describes the type of a specific property in the object model.
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interface RealmSchema
A schema that describes the object model of the underlying realm.
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The various types that are used when storing the property values in the realm.
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data class SetPropertyType(val storageType: RealmStorageType, val isNullable: Boolean = false) : RealmPropertyType
A RealmPropertyType describing set properties like RealmSet.
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data class ValuePropertyType(val storageType: RealmStorageType, val isNullable: Boolean, val isPrimaryKey: Boolean, val isIndexed: Boolean, val isFullTextIndexed: Boolean) : RealmPropertyType
A RealmPropertyType describing single value properties.