
Class encapsulating functionality for managing Users through the AuthenticationProvider.EMAIL_PASSWORD provider.


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abstract suspend fun callResetPasswordFunction(email: String, newPassword: String, vararg args: Any?)

Call the reset password function configured for the Credentials.Provider.EMAIL_PASSWORD provider.

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abstract suspend fun confirmUser(token: String, tokenId: String)

Confirms a user with the given token and token id.

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abstract suspend fun registerUser(email: String, password: String)

Registers a new user with the given email and password.

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abstract suspend fun resendConfirmationEmail(email: String)

Resend the confirmation for a user to the given email.

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abstract suspend fun resetPassword(token: String, tokenId: String, newPassword: String)

Resets the password of a user with the given token, token id, and new password.

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abstract suspend fun retryCustomConfirmation(email: String)

Retries the custom confirmation on a user for a given email.

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abstract suspend fun sendResetPasswordEmail(email: String)

Sends a user a password reset email for the given email.