
public struct Events

Realm event recording can be used to record all reads and writes performed on a Realm and report them to the server. Enable event recording by setting the eventConfiguration property of the Realm.Configuration used to open a Realm, and then obtain an Events instance with the events property on the Realm.

  • Begin recording events with the given activity name.

    All queries run and all objects instantiated within an event scope will be automatically reported as ‘read’ events when the scope is ended. All objects modified within an event scope will produce ‘write’ events which report the initial state of the object and the new values of all properties which changed.



    public func beginScope(activity: String) -> Scope

    Return Value

    A scope object used to commit or cancel the scope.

  • Record a custom event.

    This function saves the event to disk locally and then asynchronously sends them to the server. The optional completion function is called when the event data has been successfully persisted, and not when the actual upload has completed.

    This function does not interact with event scopes, and can be called with no active scope.



    public func recordEvent(activity: String, eventType: String? = nil, data: String? = nil,
                            completion: ((Swift.Error?) -> Void)? = nil)



    The activity name. This is an arbitrary string stored as-in in the activity event property.


    The type of event. This is an arbitrary string stored as-in in the eventType event property.


    The data payload for this event. If supplied, the string stored in the data event property. Note that while automatically generated events all store JSON in this field, custom events are not required to do so.


    An optional completion handler which will be called once the event has either been saved to the event Realm (but not necessarily uploaded to the server) or an error has occurred. A nil error indicates success.

  • Replace the metadata supplied in the event configuration with new values.

    If called while an event scope is active, the new metadata will not be used until the next event scope is begun.

    See EventConfiguration.metadata for more details on event metdata.



    public func updateMetadata(_ newMetadata: [String : String])
  • An object which represents an active event scope which can be used to either commit or cancel the scope.

    See more



    public class Scope
  • Record a custom event.

    This function saves the events to disk locally and then asynchronously sends them to the server. The returned future is fulfilled when the event data has been successfully persisted, and not when the actual upload has completed.

    This function does not interact with event scopes, and can be called with no active scope.



    func recordEvent(activity: String, eventType: String? = nil, data: String? = nil)
            -> Future<Void, Error>



    The activity name. This is an arbitrary string stored as-in in the activity event property.


    The type of event. This is an arbitrary string stored as-in in the eventType event property.


    The data payload for this event. If supplied, the string stored in the data event property. Note that while automatically generated events all store JSON in this field, custom events are not required to do so.