ANNOUNCEMENT: Voyage AI joins MongoDB to power more accurate and trustworthy AI applications on Atlas.
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Troubleshoot Errors

If the Atlas CLI slows down to an unusable state after you create multiple local Atlas deployments and load data, you might have reached the limits of your machine.

If you're working on Docker Desktop for Windows or MacOS, consider allocating more memory.

The Atlas CLI uses Docker for atlas deployments commands.

If your local Atlas deployment doesn't work, you might need to clean up your Docker environment and start fresh:

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) && docker system prune -a

If the Atlas CLI plugin fails to install or update, make sure that you have access to the GitHub API, as GitHub API access is required to install or update the Atlas CLI plugin.

If you run into issues and with atlas deployments commands and need support, run the following command to provide detailed diagnostics:

atlas deployments diagnostics <deploymentName> --output json > out.json

Ensure that you either:

  • Run atlas config init and add your API keys to your profile or add your API keys to your environment variables. If you created a profile with a custom name or are using more than one profile, specify the correct profile with the --profile flag.

  • Run atlas auth login to authenticate using your Atlas login credentials and an authentication token.

To learn more, see Connect from the Atlas CLI.

The atlas executable might be in a directory that isn't in your $PATH. You can either add the directory to your $PATH, move the executable to a directory which is in your $PATH, or run the executable directly from its location.

This error might appear if you try to run atlas clusters create with the --backup argument for a shared cluster. The --backup argument is unavailable for clusters smaller than M10.

The credentials you provided aren't valid for the project specified in your Atlas CLI command. Check your public and private key strings for accuracy.

If your credentials are stored in a configuration file, make sure that the configuration file is in the correct location. To learn more, see Locate the Configuration File. If the Atlas CLI can't find your configuration file and you don't store credentials in environment variables, a 401 error will result.

The user account or API key that you used to connect to the Atlas CLI doesn't have permission to perform the requested action. User accounts and API keys must have the appropriate user roles to run Atlas CLI commands. To assign or change a user's roles, see:

This error might appear when trying to create a new project. The user account or API key that you use to authenticate must have the Organization Project Creator role at the organization level in order to create new projects.

The user's IP address that you use to authenticate is not on the access list for the requested project. Add your IP address to the access list to run commands.

To learn more, see the following pages:

To add your IP address to an API key's access list:

  1. If it isn't already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. Select your desired project from the list of projects in the Projects page.

  3. Next to the Projects menu, expand the Options menu, then click Project Settings.

  4. Click Access Manager in the navigation bar.

  1. Click the API Keys tab.

  2. Click to the right of the API Key.

  3. Click Edit Permissions and click Next.

  1. Do one of the following tasks in the API Access List section:

    • Click Add Access List Entry and type an IP address.

    • If your current host for accessing Atlas will also make API requests with this API key, click Use Current IP Address .

  2. Click Save.

The project ID entered with the command does not exist. Check your project ID by navigating to the Settings sub-section of the Project section in the Atlas left-side navigation.


group ID and project ID are synonymous in MongoDB cloud services.

This error might appear if the Atlas CLI can't delete the alert configuration specified by the ID.

This error appears if you try to run an atlas deployments command inside our official docker container, mongodb/atlas in v1.26 or later. Instead, follow the steps decribed in Create a Local Atlas Deployment with Docker.

You should inspect past containers in your cluster with the following command:

podman ps -a

Then, remove any that start with mongod or mongot with the following command:

podman container rm -f -v <name or ID>


You can safely uninstall podman if you're on MacOS.

If you installed podman with homebrew, use this command to uninstall:

brew uninstall podman

This error might appear if the Atlas CLI can't access your home directory.

This error might appear if the Atlas CLI can't access your home directory.