Get $200 of Benefits with the GitHub Student Developer Pack

Get free certification and $50 of Atlas credits for the leading modern, general purpose database platform by signing up for the GitHub Student Developer Pack.
$50 Atlas Credit

MongoDB Atlas is the most advanced cloud database service on the market. Atlas free clusters provide a small-scale development environment to host your data. Start building your project now on our Free Cluster or create a paid cluster with this $50 Atlas credits GitHub student pack perk!

Free MongoDB Certification ($150 value)

Certifications offered by MongoDB are recognized by professional institutions and the worldwide tech community, as representing a mastery level in MongoDB applications. Complete a certification learning path and exam to enrich your resume with a free certification!

Student Benefit FAQs

Certifications offered by MongoDB are recognized by professional institutions and the worldwide tech community, as representing a mastery level in MongoDB applications. See the FAQs below for instructions on how to redeem free certification.Student Community Forums
Who is eligible for the MongoDB Student Benefits?
Our student benefits are available through the GitHub Student Developer Pack. If you are already successfully registered for the GitHub Student Developer Pack, you can access MongoDB student benefits by entering your GitHub credentials at If you have questions regarding the GitHub Student Developer Pack, please contact GitHub support.
How do I access free MongoDB certification?
To receive a 100% certification discount voucher you must first verify your student status by entering your GitHub credentials above. Next, you must complete a MongoDB University Certification Learning Path. You will receive an email with a 100% discount voucher within 24 hours of completing an entire Certification Learning Path in MongoDB University.
How do I apply the Atlas promotional code for free credits?
Once you've received your Atlas Promotional Code, you can apply the credits to your selected Atlas organization. To view instructions on How to Apply a Promo Code, visit this link. Please note, promotional codes are redeemed at the organization level. Applying your promotional code can only be redeemed once to an organization of your choice.
How many Atlas promotional codes will I receive?
Only one coupon code can be used per student.
Do the promotional codes expire?
Atlas Promotional Codes will expire if they're not applied to your Atlas account within 90 days. You will be able to request a new code assuming you did not use the previous one and that you've received it less than 12 months ago.
How do Atlas credits work?
MongoDB Atlas is billed hourly based on how much you use. As part of the GitHub Student Developer Pack, we offer $50 of Atlas credits to your Atlas organization. You will need a valid credit card or a PayPal account to redeem this offer.
I have more questions! Who do I contact?
We have established a forum for questions about the program. Visit the Community forum page for Students for more information and to get your questions answered.
More information can be found on this page after entering your GitHub credentials.