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Create Schema

On this page

  • Create Schema Using the Atlas UI
  • In Atlas, go to the Clusters page for your project.
  • Navigate to Manage SQL Schemas page.
  • Create a schema.
  • Create Schema Using the Atlas CLI
  • Syntax
  • Parameters
  • Output
  • Examples
  • Basic Example
  • Generate and Set Schema Example
  • Errors

Schema generation happens automatically when you create an Atlas SQL quick start connection.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

  3. If the Clusters page is not already displayed, click Database in the sidebar.


From the Data Federation menu, click Manage SQL Schemas.


On a collection that has an empty schema:

  1. Click the .

  2. Press Generate new schema from sample or provide your own JSON.

  3. Click Save.

The sqlGenerateSchema command generates an Atlas SQL schema for the specified collections or views.

sqlGenerateSchema: 1,
sampleNamespaces: [<namespace>],
sampleSize: <int>,
setSchemas: true|false
array of strings
Specifies the comma-separated list of namespaces for which to generate schemas. A namespace includes the database name, a dot (.) separator, and the collection or view name (i.e. <database>.<collection>|<view>). To generate schemas for all the collections in a database, specify * instead of the collection or view name (i.e. <database>.*). If omitted, generates schemas for all collections and views in the current database.
Specifies the number of documents to use as a sample to create the schema. If omitted, defaults to 1000.

Specifies whether or not to store the generated schema for the collection or view. Value can be one of the following:

  • true to store the schema. If a schema already exists for the collection or view, overwrite the existing schema.

  • false to not store the schema.

If omitted, defaults to false.


The command returns the following if the command succeeds.

"ok" : 1,
"schemas" : [
"databaseName" : "<database-name>",
"namespaces" : [
"name" : "<collection-name>",
"schema" : {
"version" : NumberLong(1),
"jsonSchema" : {}

The schemas object contains the following fields.

Name of the database.
array of objects
Name and generated schema of each collection or view.
Name of the collection or view.
Schema of the collection or view.
Format version of the schema. Value is always 1.

JSON schema of the collection or view. The JSON schema can contain the following fields:

  • bsonType

  • properties

  • items

  • additionalProperties

  • required

To learn more about these fields, see JSON Schema Keywords.

If you set the schema for the collection or view using the setSchemas option, you can verify that the command succeeded by running the sqlGetSchema command. The sqlGetSchema command metadata.description should contain the following value:

"set using sqlGenerateSchema with setSchemas = true"

Consider a collection named egData in a database named sampleDB with the following documents:

{"a": {"b": {"c": [1, 2, 3]}}, "s": 1}
{"a": {"b": {"c": [4, 5, 6]}}, "s": 2}
{"a": {"b": [7, 8, 9]}, "s": 3}
{"a": {"b": {"c": []}}, "s": 4}
{"a": {"b": {"c": "hello"}}, "s": 5}
{"a": {"b": {"c": {"d": 1}}}, "s": 6}
{"a": {"b": {"c": null}}}
{"s": 7}

The examples below use the sqlGenerateSchema command to generate a schema for the above collection.

The following command generates a schema for the collection named sampleDB.egData in the storage configuration. The command uses two randomly selected documents from the collection to create the schema because the sampleSize is 2. The command does not set the schema for the collection because the setSchemas option is not specified with the command and defaults to false.

sqlGenerateSchema: 1,
sampleNamespaces: ["sampleDB.egData"],
sampleSize: 2

The previous command returns the following output. To learn more about the fields in the output, see Output.

"ok" : 1,
"schemas" : [
"databaseName" : "sampleDB",
"namespaces" : [
"name" : "egData",
"schema" : {
"version" : NumberLong(1),
"jsonSchema" : {
"bsonType" : [
"properties" : {
"a" : {
"bsonType" : [
"properties" : {
"b" : {
"bsonType" : [
"properties" : {
"c" : {
"bsonType" : [
"items" : {
"bsonType" : [
"s" : {
"bsonType" : [

The following command generates a schema for the collection named sampleDB.egData in the storage configuration. The command uses up to 1000 documents in the collection to create the schema because the sampleSize option is not specified with the command and defaults to 1000. The command sets the generated schema as the schema to use for the collection because the setSchemas option is set to true.

sqlGenerateSchema: 1,
sampleNamespaces: ["sampleDB.egData"],
setSchemas: true

The previous command returns the following output. To learn more about the fields in the output, see Output.

"ok" : 1,
"schemas" : [
"databaseName" : "sampleDB",
"namespaces" : [
"name" : "egData",
"schema" : {
"version" : NumberLong(1),
"jsonSchema" : {
"bsonType" : [
"properties" : {
"a" : {
"bsonType" : [
"properties" : {
"b" : {
"bsonType" : [
"properties" : {
"c" : {
"bsonType" : [
"properties" : {
"d" : {
"bsonType" : [
"items" : {
"bsonType" : [
"items" : {
"bsonType" : [
"s" : {
"bsonType" : [

The command returns the following error if the command fails:

"failedNamespaces": [
"namespace" : "<db.ns>",
"error" : "no documents found in sample namespace"

The above error is returned if the specified namespaces do not exist in the storage configuration or are empty. This error is also returned if the schema could not be set for a given namespace.

← Schema Management