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MongoDB Atlas



  • 搜索节点数量
  • 搜索层级
  • 网络传输

For single-region clusters on AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure, Atlas supports deploying separate Search Nodes for Atlas Search.

When you first deploy the Search Nodes by clicking create in the Create New Cluster page, Atlas charges you immediately for your selected configuration. Atlas uses the following to calculate the cost of Search Nodes on your Atlas cluster:

  • Number of Search Nodes on your Atlas cluster.

  • Choice of search tier.

  • Amount of data transferred between the Search Nodes and database nodes.

You can increase and reduce the number of Search Nodes that you deploy for your cluster when you create or modify a cluster. You can deploy a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 32 Search Nodes on you Atlas cluster. Atlas charges hourly for each search node on your cluster.

添加搜索节点时,Atlas 会立即向您收取新配置(包括新节点)的费用。 删除搜索节点时,Atlas 会立即按新配置收费,不包括您删除的节点。 即使搜索节点仅运行了一小时的部分时间,Atlas 也会按一小时收取费用。 如果替换不正常的节点,Atlas 不会对替换节点收取费用,您的费用将仅反映一个节点的成本。

Atlas 提供不同的搜索层级。 每个搜索层级都有默认的 RAM 容量、存储容量和 CPU。每个搜索节点的每小时使用费用(如集群创建期间的 Atlas 用户界面所示)是根据这些默认值计算的。

When you create a cluster, Atlas calculates a per-hour usage charge based on the default values for the search tier. You can modify the search tier for your Search Nodes anytime. When you change instance size, Atlas charges for both instances for the first hour. After one hour, Atlas charges you for only the new instance.

You will be charged for network traffic between Search Nodes and the database nodes on your Atlas cluster. You will see the charges for data transfer at the cluster level. Atlas doesn't reflect the charges for the Search Nodes separately. Your network charges reflect the cost of the whole Atlas cluster, including the Search Nodes.

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