Alan Chhabra

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The MongoDB AI Applications Program: Delivering Customer Value

When people ask me about MongoDB, I tell them that they’ve probably interacted with MongoDB without realizing it. In fact, many of the world’s leading companies—including 70% of the Fortune 100—are powered by MongoDB. Everything we do at MongoDB is about serving our customers, but that often happens in the background, where our work is invisible to many users. In my case, that means building an ecosystem of partners who enable customer innovation. A recent example is how MongoDB teamed up with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Amazon Bedrock to help Base39 —a Brazilian fintech provider—automate loan analysis, decreasing decision time from three days to one hour, and reducing cost per loan analysis by 96%. And there’s the Indian company IndiaDataHub, which joined the MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) to access AI expertise, in-depth support, and a full spectrum of technologies to enhance AI functionality within IndiaDataHub’s analytics platform. This includes connecting relevant data in MongoDB with Meta's AI models to perform sentiment analysis on text datasets. I could go on and on—after all, tens of thousands of MongoDB’s customers have success stories like these. Enabling customer success is precisely why we launched MAAP last summer, and why the program has evolved since. Customers tell us that they want to take advantage of AI, but they’re unsure how to navigate a fast-moving market, how to control costs, and how to unlock business value from their AI investments. So with MAAP, MongoDB offers customers a full AI stack and an integrated set of professional services to help them keep pace with the latest innovations, identify the best AI use cases, and to help them future-proof AI investments. With today’s announcement , Capgemini, Confluent, IBM, QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey, and Unstructured have joined the 22 companies that now comprise the MAAP partner network. Which means that the MAAP ecosystem (which was founded with Accenture, Anthropic, Anyscale, Arcee AI, AWS, Cohere, Credal, Fireworks AI, Google Cloud, gravity9, LangChain, LlamaIndex, Microsoft Azure, Nomic, PeerIslands, Pureinsights, and Together AI) offers additional cutting-edge AI integration and solutions to customers—and more ways to set them on the path to AI success. CentralReach: Making an impact on autism with AI More than 150 customers have already gotten involved with MAAP, but I’m particularly excited to share the work of CentralReach . CentralReach provides an AI-powered electronic medical record (EMR) platform that is designed to improve outcomes for children and adults diagnosed with autism and related intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Prior to working with MongoDB and MAAP, CentralReach was looking for an experienced partner to further connect and aggregate its more than 4 billion financial and clinical data points across its suite of solutions. CentralReach leveraged MongoDB’s document model to aggregate the company’s diverse forms of information from assessments to clinical data collection, so the company could build rich AI-assisted solutions on top of its database. Meanwhile, MAAP partners helped CentralReach to design and optimize multiple layers of its comprehensive buildout. All of this will enable CentralReach to support initiatives such as value-based outcome measurement, clinical supervision, and care delivery efficacy. With these new data layers in place, providers will be able to make substantial improvements to their clinical delivery to optimize care for all those they serve. “As a mission-driven organization, CentralReach is always looking to innovate on behalf of the clinical professionals—and the more than 350,000 autism and IDD learners—that we serve globally,” said Chris Sullens, CEO of CentralReach. “So being able to lean on MongoDBs database technology and draw on the collective expertise of the MAAP partner network—in addition to MongoDB’s tech expertise and services—to help us improve outcomes for our customers and their clients worldwide has been invaluable.” Working backward from customer needs The addition of Capgemini, Confluent, IBM, QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey, and Unstructured to the MAAP partner network offers customers additional technology and AI support options. It also builds on MongoDB’s larger partner ecosystem , which is designed to give customers flexibility and choice. By working closely with our partners on product launches, integrations, and real-world challenges, MongoDB has been able to bring a better understanding of the challenges facing customers—and to give them the resources and confidence to move forward with groundbreaking technology like AI . Examples of support MAAP has offered customers include: Guidance on chunking strategies for an AI-native healthcare provider providing patient recommendations based on complex data sources Collaboration on advanced retrieval techniques to improve response accuracies for a large consultancy to automate manual research Evaluation of embedding models for multi-modal data stores for a well-known automaker developing diagnostic applications Guidance on architectures for complex agentic workflows for a mature enterprise technology provider augmenting customer service workflows One way we offer this support is through the MAAP Center of Excellence (CoE). The MAAP CoE comprises AI technical experts from across MongoDB and the MAAP partner ecosystem who collaborate with customers to understand their challenges, technical requirements, and timelines. The MAAP CoE can then recommend custom full-stack architectures and implementation best practices, optimized for the customer’s specific use case and requirements. Indeed, customization is intrinsic to MAAP: MongoDB and our MAAP partners will meet customers wherever they are to help them achieve their goals. For example, if an organization wants to fully own its AI application development, MongoDB and partners can provide guidance and expertise. And in cases where customers want hands-on support, we can help speed projects with professional services. Ultimately, we want MAAP customers—and anyone who works with MongoDB’s partner ecosystem at large—to feel empowered to own their application development, and to transform challenges into opportunities. Let’s build the next big thing together! To learn more about building AI-powered apps with MongoDB, see MongoDB’s AI Resources Hub , the Partner Ecosystem Catalog , or visit the MAAP page . And check out our partner Confluent’s own blog post about MAAP!

December 2, 2024

Das MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) ist jetzt verfügbar

Bei MongoDB beginnt alles damit, unseren Kunden bei der Lösung ihrer Anwendungs- und Datenprobleme zu helfen (unabhängig vom Anwendungsfall). Wir sprechen jeden Tag mit Kunden, und die sind von der generativen KI begeistert. Aber gleichzeitig sind sie unsicher, wie sie vom Konzept zur Produktion gelangen können. Gleichzeitig müssen sie die Kosten kontrollieren. Es ist also entscheidend, den richtigen Ansatz für die Implementierung von KI zu finden. Wir freuen uns daher sehr, die allgemeine Verfügbarkeit des MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) ankündigen zu können! MAAP ist das erste Programm seiner Art, das Unternehmen dabei unterstützt, von den rasanten Fortschritten der KI-Technologien zu profitieren.Es bietet Kunden eine Fülle von Ressourcen, um KI-Anwendungen in Produktion zu bringen: Referenzarchitekturen und ein durchgängiges Technologiepaket, das Integrationen mit führenden Technologieanbietern, professionelle Dienstleistungen und ein einheitliches Supportsystem umfasst. So können Kunden KI-Anwendungen schnell entwickeln und bereitstellen. Einige frühe KI-Anwender haben tatsächlich festgestellt, dass Legacy-Technologien nicht in der Lage sind, die für KI-Anwendungen erforderlichen multimodalen Datenstrukturen zu verwalten.Hinzu kamen fehlende interne Kenntnisse und das Risiko, die unterschiedlichen Komponenten ohne Unterstützung zu integrieren.Infolgedessen konnten Unternehmen nicht schnell genug von den Fortschritten der KI profitieren. Deshalb freuen wir uns, dass MAAP jetzt verfügbar ist: Das MAAP-Programm und sein Ökosystem von Unternehmen geht diese Herausforderungen umfassend an. MAAP bietet den Kunden die richtige Expertise und Lösungen für ihre Anwendungsfälle und beseitigt das Integrationsrisiko. Mittlerweile integriert das MAAP-Ökosystem nahtlos viele der weltweit führenden KI- und Technologieunternehmen – ein echter Mehrwert für die Kunden. Das MAAP-Ökosystem befindet sich zwar noch in den Anfängen, aber es umfasst bereits führende Technologieunternehmen wie Accenture, AWS, Google Cloud und Microsoft Azure sowie die KI-Innovatoren Anthropic, Cohere und LangChain. Das Ergebnis ist eine Gruppe von Unternehmen, die es ihren Kunden ermöglicht, differenzierte, produktionsreife KI-Anwendungen zu entwickeln und dabei eine beträchtliche Kapitalrendite zu erzielen. Erschließen Sie das Potenzial von Daten … Es ist eine Untertreibung zu sagen, dass sich die KI-Landschaft ständig verändert. Um mit den neuesten Entwicklungen und Kundenerwartungen Schritt zu halten, sind der Zugang zu vertrauenswürdigen Mitarbeitern und ein robustes Supportsystem für Unternehmen, die mit KI innovativ sein wollen, von entscheidender Bedeutung. Darüber hinaus kann Innovation mit KI bedeuten, Datensilos zu durchbrechen und begrenztes internes technisches Fachwissen zu vermeiden. Dies löst MAAP mit einer zentralen Architektur für KI-Anwendungen, vorkonfigurierten Integrationen und professionellen Dienstleistungen, die sicherstellen, dass die Anforderungen von Unternehmen erfüllt werden. Dieses Framework bietet sowohl technischen als auch nicht-technischen Teams Flexibilität und ermöglicht es ihnen, KI und Unternehmensdaten für abteilungsspezifische Aufgaben zu nutzen, unabhängig von ihrer bevorzugten Cloud oder LLM. Zur MAAP-Umgebung, die Branchenführer aus allen Bereichen der KI umfasst, gehören Accenture , Anthropic , Anyscale , Arcee AI , AWS , Cohere , Credal , Fireworks AI , Google Cloud , gravity9 , LangChain , LlamaIndex , Microsoft Azure , Nomic , PeerIslands , Pureinsights und Together AI . MongoDB ist in einzigartiger Weise qualifiziert, die von MAAP angebotenen Lösungen zu vereinen: MongoDB-Kunden können jeden LLM-Anbieter nutzen, wir können überall laufen (bei allen großen Cloud-Anbietern, vor Ort und am Rande), und MongoDB bietet nahtlose Integrationen mit einer Vielzahl von Frameworks und Systemen. Vielleicht am wichtigsten: Tausende von Kunden vertrauen bereits auf MongoDB, um ihre geschäftskritischen Anwendungen zu betreiben. Wir haben jahrelange Erfahrung darin, Kunden dabei zu unterstützen, das Potenzial ihrer Daten voll auszuschöpfen. Das ultimative Ziel von MAAP ist es, Kunden in die Lage zu versetzen, das Beste aus ihren Daten herauszuholen und sicherzustellen, dass sie selbstbewusst mit KI innovieren können. Ein aktueller Erfolg ist Anywhere Real Estate (NASDAQ: HOUS), die Muttergesellschaft von bekannten Marken wie Century 21, Coldwell Banker und Sotheby's International Realty. Anywhere hat sich mit MongoDB zusammengetan, um seine digitale Transformation voranzutreiben, und erforscht nun das Potenzial von MAAP, um seine KI-Einführung zu beschleunigen. Die Expertise von MongoDB erlaubt Anywhere, seinen Tech-Stack zukunftssicher zu machen und sich in einer zunehmend KI-gestützten Landschaft zu behaupten. „Generative KI ist ein entscheidender Faktor für Anywhere, und wir integrieren sie mit Begeisterung in unsere Produkte“, so Damian Ng, Senior Vice President of Technology bei Anywhere. „MongoDB war ein unschätzbarer Partner, der uns geholfen hat, schnell neue Ansätze und Möglichkeiten zu erkunden und zu entwickeln. Die vor uns liegende Zeit wird spannend!“ …und ebnen den Weg für KI-Innovationen MAAP bietet Kunden einen klaren Weg, KI-gestützte Anwendungen zu entwickeln und bereitzustellen. Der Eckpfeiler von MAAP ist MongoDB : Die Anwendungen basieren auf MongoDB, das Echtzeit-, operative, unstrukturierte und KI-gestützte Daten sicher zusammenführt, ohne dass Zusatzlösungen erforderlich sind. Die offene und integrierte Architektur von MongoDB bietet einfachen Zugang zum MAAP-Partnernetzwerk und ermöglicht die Erweiterung und Anpassung von Anwendungen. Mit MAAP können Kunden: Ihre KI-Entwicklung mit fachkundiger, praktischer Unterstützung und Dienstleistungen beschleunigen. Die MAAP-Expertenservices, die die Stärken der MongoDB Professional Services und der branchenführenden KI-Beratungsunternehmen vereinen, helfen Kunden, mithilfe von KI schnell neue Innovationen zu entwickeln.MAAP bietet strategische Beratung zu Roadmaps und Kompetenzen, hilft bei der Datenintegration in moderne KI-Technologien und kann sogar produktionsreife Anwendungen entwickeln.MAAP geht über die Entwicklung hinaus und unterstützt Teams mit Best Practices für die sichere Integration Ihrer Daten in skalierbare KI-Lösungen. So sind Unternehmen auch für zukünftige KI-Initiativen gerüstet. Erstellen Sie leistungsstarke KI-Anwendungen, die branchenspezifische Anforderungen erfüllen. Vorgefertigte Architekturen bieten Kunden replizierbare, beschleunigte Frameworks für die Entwicklung von KI-Anwendungen.Die Architekturen sind vollständig anpassbar und erweiterbar. Damit können die neuesten generativen KI-Anwendungsfälle wie Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) oder die neuesten KI-Funktionen wie Agentic AI und fortgeschrittene RAG-Techniken integriert werden.Mit der offenen und integrierten Plattform von MongoDB als Kernstück sind der Innovation mit den komponierbaren Architekturen von MAAP keine Grenzen gesetzt. Die Kunden bringen die Leistung führender KI-Plattformen direkt in ihre Anwendungen ein. Schulen Sie Ihre Teams, damit sie schnell – und wiederholt – moderne KI-Anwendungen entwickeln können. MAAP-Kunden haben Zugang zu einer Vielzahl von Lernmaterialien , darunter eine spezielle MAAP-GitHub-Bibliothek mit Integrationscode, Demos und einem Prototyp einer Gen-AI-Anwendung. Diese umfassenden Ressourcen ermöglichen es Entwicklern, intelligente, personalisierte Anwendungen schneller zu erstellen, und geben Unternehmen die Werkzeuge an die Hand, um ihre interne KI-Expertise zu erweitern. Mit MAAP haben Kunden Zugriff auf bewährte Integrations- und Entwicklungsmethoden, die sie für zukünftige Projekte der generativen KI nutzen können. Es ist noch früh, aber es gibt zahlreiche Anzeichen dafür, dass sich KI auf alles auswirken wird, von der Produktivität der Entwickler bis zur Wirtschaftsleistung. Wir haben bereits erlebt, dass Kunden generative KI einsetzen, um Modernisierungsmaßnahmen zu beschleunigen, die Produktivität ihrer Mitarbeiter mit Agenten zu steigern, die Produktivität im Vertrieb zu erhöhen und die Identitätsverwaltung mit natürlicher Sprache zu unterstützen . Mit anderen Worten: KI ist auf dem Vormarsch, und jetzt ist es an der Zeit, sie zu nutzen. MAAP ist so konzipiert, dass Kunden heute und in Zukunft erfolgreich mit KI arbeiten können: Das Programm wird kontinuierlich mit den neuesten technologischen Fortschritten und Best Practices der Branche erweitert, um sicherzustellen, dass Kunden in diesem sich schnell entwickelnden Bereich die Nase vorn haben. Besuchen Sie also die MAAP-Seite , um mehr zu erfahren oder mit dem Team in Kontakt zu treten! Unsere MAAP-Experten begleiten Sie gerne auf Ihrer KI-Reise und zeigen Ihnen, wie das MongoDB AI Applications Program Ihr Unternehmen unterstützen kann.

July 23, 2024

MongoDB AI 应用程序计划 (MAAP) 现已推出

在 MongoDB,一切都始于帮助客户解决其应用程序和数据挑战(无论使用案例如何)。 我们每天都与客户交谈,他们对生成式人工智能感到兴奋。但他们也不确定如何从概念转向生产,并且需要控制成本。因此,找到正确的方法来应用 AI 至关重要。 因此,我们很高兴地宣布 MongoDB AI 应用程序 (MAAP) 已全面上市! 这是一个史无前例的项目,MAAP 将帮助组织利用迅速发展的 AI 技术。它为客户提供了丰富的资源,帮助他们将 AI 应用程序投入生产:包括与领先技术提供商的集成、专业服务以及统一的支持系统在内的端到端技术堆栈,以及参考架构,从而帮助客户快速构建和部署 AI 应用程序。 事实上,一些早期的 AI 采用者发现,传统技术无法管理驱动 AI 应用程序所需的多模式数据结构。由于缺乏内部技能,以及在没有支持的情况下整合不同组件的风险,使这种情况变得更加复杂。因此,企业无法迅速利用 AI 带来的技术进步。 这就是为什么我们对 MAAP 的推出感到兴奋的原因:MAAP 计划及其公司生态系统能够全面应对这些挑战。MAAP 为客户数提供适合其使用案例的专业知识和解决方案,并消除了集成风险。同时,MAAP 生态系统无缝集成了许多世界领先的 AI 和科技组织,为客户带来了真正的增值。 虽然 MAAP 生态系统才刚刚起步,但它已经包括埃森哲、AWS、Google Cloud 和 Microsoft Azure 等技术领导者,以及生成式人工智能创新者 Anthropic、Cohere 和 LangChain。这些组织将帮助客户构建差异化的、可投入生产的 AI 应用程序,同时实现可观的投资回报。 释放数据的力量…… 可以毫不夸张地说,AI 领域瞬息万变。为了跟上最新发展和客户期望,对于想要利用 AI 进行创新的组织来说,获得值得信赖的合作伙伴和强大的支持系统至关重要。 此外,利用 AI 进行创新意味着要解决数据孤岛问题和克服内部技术专业知识有限的问题,而 MAAP 可通过生成式人工智能应用程序的中央架构、预配置集成和专业服务来解决这些问题,以确保满足组织的要求。 这一框架为技术团队和非技术团队提供了灵活性,使他们能够利用 AI 和公司数据来完成本部门的特定任务,而无需考虑他们喜欢云还是大型语言模型。 MAAP 生态系统代表了 AI 堆栈各个部分的行业领导者,包括 Accenture、Anthropic、Anyscale、Arcee AI、AWS、Cohere、Credal、Fireworks AI、Google Cloud、 Gravity9、LangChain、LlamaIndex、Microsoft Azure、Nomic、PeerIslands、Pureinsights 和 Together AI。 MongoDB 在整合 MAAP 提供的解决方案方面拥有独特的资格:MongoDB 客户可以使用任何大型语言模型提供商,我们可以在任何地方运行(在所有主要云提供商、本地环境和边缘环境中),并且 MongoDB 可以无缝地与各种框架和系统集成。 或许最重要的是,成千上万的客户已经依赖 MongoDB 来支持他们的关键任务应用,并且我们有丰富经验帮助客户释放数据的力量。MAAP 的最终目标是让客户能够最大限度地利用其数据,并确保他们能够自信地利用 AI 进行创新。 最近取得成功的是 Anywhere Real Estate (纳斯达克股票代码:HOUS),它是 Century 21、Coldwell Banker 和 Sotheby’s International Realty 等知名品牌的母公司。 Anywhere 与 MongoDB 合作推动其数字化转型,目前正在深入挖掘 MAAP 的潜力,以加快其 AI 的采用。通过利用 MongoDB 的专业知识,Anywhere 将确保其堆栈面向未来,并在日益由 AI 驱动的领域中脱颖而出。 Anywhere 高级技术副总裁 Damian Ng 表示:“生成式人工智能改变了 Anywhere 的游戏规则,我们正满怀激情地将其整合到我们的产品中。”“MongoDB 一直是我们宝贵的合作伙伴,帮助我们快速探索和开发新方法和新机会。未来的旅程令人兴奋!” ......并为 AI 创新扫清道路 MAAP 为客户提供了开发和部署 AI 应用程序的清晰路径。 MAAP 的基石是 MongoDB :应用程序由 MongoDB 提供支持,可安全地整合实时、可操作、非结构化和与 AI 相关的数据,而无需额外的解决方案。MongoDB 的开放和集成架构提供了对 MAAP 合作伙伴网络的轻松访问,并支持应用程序的扩展和定制。 使用 MAAP,客户可以: 通过专业、实际的支持和服务,加速生成式人工智能开发。MAAP 专家服务结合了 MongoDB 专业服务和行业领先的生成式人工智能咨询公司的优势,将使客户能够利用 AI 快速创新。MAAP 提供路线图和技能方面的战略指导,协助将数据集成到先进的 AI 技术中,甚至可以开发出可投入生产的应用程序。MAAP 不仅专注于开发,还为团队提供最佳实践,将数据安全地集成到可扩展的生成式人工智能解决方案中,确保企业能够为未来的 AI 计划做好准备。 构建高性能的生成式人工智能应用程序,以满足特定行业的需求。预先设计的架构为客户提供了可重复的加速框架,用于构建 AI 应用程序。架构是完全可定制和可扩展的,以适应不断发展的生成式人工智能使用案例, 如检索增强生成 (RAG) 或高级 AI 功能,例如 Agentic AI 和高级 RAG 技术集成。以 MongoDB 的开放集成平台为核心,MAAP 的可组合架构的创新是无限的,使客户能够轻松将领先的 AI 平台的强大功能直接应用于其应用程序。 提升团队技能,快速且反复地构建现代 AI 应用程序。MAAP 客户可以访问各种 学习材料 ,包括专用的 MAAP GitHub 库,其中包含集成代码、演示和生成式人工智能应用程序原型。这些全面的资源将使开发人员能够更快地构建智能、个性化的应用程序,同时为组织提供扩展其内部 AI 专业知识的工具。借助 MAAP,客户可以获得可用于未来生成式人工智能项目的集成和开发最佳实践。 虽然现在还处于初期阶段,但有广泛的迹象表明,AI 将影响从开发者生产力到经济产出的各个方面。我们已经看到客户使用生成式人工智能来加快现代化工作,通过代理提高员工的工作效率, 释放销售生产力 ,并 使用自然语言进行身份管理 。 换言之,AI 已势不可挡,现在是充分利用它的时候了。MAAP 旨在帮助客户为当前和未来的 AI 成功做好准备:该计划将通过最新的技术进步和行业最佳实践不断增强,以确保客户在这个快速发展的领域保持领先地位。 因此,请访问 MAAP 页面以了解更多信息或与团队联系!我们的 MAAP 专家很乐意指导您开启 AI 之旅,并展示 MongoDB AI 应用计划如何为您的组织提供帮助。

July 23, 2024

El Programa de Aplicaciones de IA de MongoDB (MAAP) ya está disponible

En MongoDB, todo comienza con ayudar a nuestros clientes a resolver sus desafíos de aplicaciones y datos (independientemente del caso de uso). Hablamos con los clientes todos los días y están entusiasmados con la IA Generativa. Pero tampoco están seguros de cómo pasar del concepto a la producción, y necesitan controlar los costos. Por lo tanto, encontrar la forma correcta de adoptar la IA es fundamental. Por lo tanto, estamos encantados de anunciar la disponibilidad general del Programa de Aplicaciones de IA (MAAP) de MongoDB . Este programa único en su especie ayudará a las organizaciones a aprovechar el rápido avance de las tecnologías de IA. Les ofrece a los clientes una gran cantidad de recursos para incorporar en la producción las aplicaciones de IA: arquitecturas de referencia y una pila de tecnología de extremo a extremo que incluye integraciones con los principales proveedores de tecnología, servicios profesionales y un sistema de asistencia técnica unificado para ayudar a los clientes a crear e implementar rápidamente aplicaciones de IA. De hecho, algunos de los primeros usuarios de IA descubrieron que las tecnologías heredadas no pueden gestionar las estructuras de datos multimodales necesarias para impulsar las aplicaciones de IA. Esto se vio agravado por la falta de habilidades internas y el riesgo percibido de integrar componentes dispares sin asistencia técnica. Como resultado, las empresas no pudieron aprovechar los avances de la IA lo suficientemente rápido. Es por eso que estamos entusiasmados de que MAAP ya esté disponible: el programa MAAP y su ecosistema de empresas aborda estos desafíos de manera integral. MAAP ofrece a los clientes la experiencia y las soluciones adecuadas para sus casos de uso, y elimina el riesgo de integración. Mientras tanto, el ecosistema MAAP integra a la perfección muchas de las principales organizaciones de IA y de tecnología del mundo, un verdadero valor agregado para los clientes. Si bien el ecosistema MAAP apenas está comenzando, ya incluye líderes tecnológicos como Accenture, AWS, Google Cloud Platform y Microsoft Azure, así como a las innovadoras organizaciones de IA Generativa Anthropic, Cohere y LangChain. El resultado es un grupo de organizaciones que permitirán a los clientes crear aplicaciones de IA diferenciadas y listas para la producción, con el objetivo de ofrecer un retorno sustancial de la inversión. Cómo aprovechar al máximo el poder de los datos... Resulta redundante decir que el panorama de la IA está en constante cambio. Para mantenerse al día con los últimos desarrollos y las expectativas de los clientes, el acceso a colaboradores de confianza y un sistema de asistencia técnica estable son fundamentales para las organizaciones que desean innovar con IA. Además, innovar con IA puede significar abordar el aislamiento de datos y superar la limitada experiencia técnica interna, lo que MAAP resuelve con una arquitectura central para aplicaciones de IA Generativa, integraciones preconfiguradas y servicios profesionales para garantizar que se cumplan los requisitos de las organizaciones. Este marco proporciona flexibilidad para equipos técnicos y no técnicos por igual, lo que les permite aprovechar la IA y los datos de la empresa para tareas específicas de su departamento, sin importar cuál sea su cloud o LLM de preferencia. El ecosistema MAAP, que representa a los líderes de la industria de todos los sectores de la pila de IA, incluye Accenture , Anthropic , Anyscale , Arcee AI , AWS , Cohere , Credal , Fireworks AI , Google Cloud , gravity9 , LangChain , LlamaIndex , Microsoft Azure , Nomic , PeerIslands , Pureinsights y Together AI . MongoDB está excepcionalmente calificado para reunir las soluciones que ofrece MAAP: los clientes de MongoDB pueden usar cualquier proveedor de LLM y ejecutar MongoDB donde sea (en todos los principales proveedores de cloud, en las instalaciones y en el borde). Además, MongoDB puede integrarse sin problemas con una variedad de marcos y sistemas. Quizás lo más importante es que miles de clientes ya confían en MongoDB para potenciar las aplicaciones fundamentales para su misión, y tenemos años de experiencia ayudando a los clientes a aprovechar al máximo el poder de los datos. El objetivo final de MAAP es permitir que los clientes aprovechen al máximo sus datos y garantizar que puedan confiar en innovar con la IA. Un éxito reciente es Anywhere Real Estate (NASDAQ: HOUS), la empresa matriz de marcas conocidas como Century 21, Coldwell Banker y Sotheby's International Realty. Anywhere se asoció con MongoDB para impulsar su transformación digital y ahora está utilizando el potencial de MAAP para acelerar su adopción de IA. Al aprovechar la experiencia de MongoDB, Anywhere está preparada para preparar su pila tecnológica para el futuro y sobresalir en un panorama cada vez más impulsado por la IA. "La IA Generativa es un punto de cambio para Anywhere, y estamos integrando la IA en nuestros productos con entusiasmo", dijo Damian Ng, Vicepresidente Senior de Tecnología en Anywhere. “MongoDB es un socio invaluable, que nos ha ayudado a explorar y desarrollar rápidamente nuevos enfoques y oportunidades. ¡El camino que tenemos por delante es emocionante!” …y allanar el camino para la innovación con IA MAAP ofrece a los clientes un camino claro para desarrollar e implementar aplicaciones enriquecidas con IA. El pilar de MAAP es MongoDB : las aplicaciones están respaldadas por MongoDB, que unifica de manera segura datos en tiempo real, operativos, no estructurados y relacionados con IA sin la necesidad de soluciones integradas. La arquitectura abierta e integrada de MongoDB proporciona un fácil acceso a la red de socios de MAAP y permite la extensión y personalización de las aplicaciones. Con MAAP, los clientes pueden: Acelerar su desarrollo de la IA Generativa con asistencia técnica y servicios prácticos y basados en la experiencia. Los servicios basados en la experiencia de MAAP, que combinan los puntos fuertes de los servicios profesionales de MongoDB y las consultorías de IA Generativa líderes del sector, permitirán a los clientes innovar rápidamente con la IA. MAAP ofrece guía estratégica sobre hojas de ruta y conjuntos de competencias, ayuda con la integración de datos en tecnologías avanzadas de IA e incluso puede desarrollar aplicaciones listas para la producción. MAAP va más allá del desarrollo y capacita a los equipos con las mejores prácticas para integrar de forma segura sus datos en soluciones de IA Generativa escalables, lo que garantiza que las empresas estén equipadas para abordar futuras iniciativas de IA. Crear aplicaciones de IA Generativa de alto rendimiento que aborden las necesidades específicas de la industria. Las arquitecturas prediseñadas brindan a los clientes marcos repetibles y acelerados para crear aplicaciones de IA. Las arquitecturas son totalmente personalizables y ampliables, lo que hace que se adapten a casos de uso de IA Generativa en constante evolución, como la generación aumentada de recuperación (RAG) o capacidades avanzadas de IA como Agentic AI e integraciones avanzadas de técnicas de RAG. Con la plataforma abierta e integrada de MongoDB en su núcleo, la innovación con las arquitecturas componibles de MAAP es ilimitada, lo que les facilita a los clientes llevar el poder de las principales plataformas de IA directamente a sus aplicaciones. Mejorar las habilidades de los equipos para crear aplicaciones de IA modernas de forma rápida y repetida. Los clientes de MAAP tienen acceso a una variedad de materiales de aprendizaje , incluida una biblioteca de GitHub exclusiva de MAAP con código de integración, demostraciones y un prototipo de aplicación de IA generativa. Estos recursos integrales les permitirán a los desarrolladores crear aplicaciones inteligentes y personalizadas más rápido, al tiempo que les brindan a las organizaciones las herramientas para expandir su experiencia interna en IA. Con MAAP, los clientes tienen acceso a las mejores prácticas de integración y desarrollo que pueden emplear para futuros proyectos de IA Generativa. Es temprano, pero hay muchos indicios de que la IA afectará todo, desde la productividad de los desarrolladores hasta la producción económica. Ya hemos visto a los clientes usar IA Generativa para acelerar los esfuerzos de modernización, aumentar la productividad de los trabajadores con agentes, desbloquear la productividad de ventas y potenciar la gobernanza de la identidad con lenguaje natural . En otras palabras, la IA llegó para quedarse, y ahora es el momento de aprovecharla. MAAP está diseñado para preparar a los clientes para el éxito de la IA hoy y mañana: el programa se mejorará continuamente con los últimos avances tecnológicos y las mejores prácticas de la industria, para garantizar que los clientes se mantengan a la vanguardia de este espacio en rápida evolución. ¡Así que visite la página de MAAP para obtener más información o para comunicarse con el equipo! Nuestros expertos de MAAP estarán encantados de guiarlo en su recorrido de IA y mostrarle cómo el Programa de aplicaciones de IA de MongoDB puede ayudar a su organización.

July 23, 2024

The MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) is Now Available

This post is also available in: Deutsch , Français , Español , Português , Italiano , 한국어 , 简体中文 . At MongoDB, everything starts with helping our customers solve their application and data challenges (regardless of use case). We talk to customers every day, and they’re excited about gen AI. But they’re also unsure how to move from concept to production, and need to control costs. So, finding the right way to adopt AI is critical. We’re therefore thrilled to announce the general availability of the MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) ! A first-of-its-kind program, MAAP will help organizations take advantage of rapidly advancing AI technologies. It offers customers a wealth of resources to put AI applications into production: reference architectures and an end-to-end technology stack that includes integrations with leading technology providers, professional services, and a unified support system to help customers quickly build and deploy AI applications. Indeed, some early AI adopters found that legacy technologies can’t manage the multi-modal data structures required to power AI applications. This was compounded by a lack of in-house skills and the perceived risk of integrating disparate components without support. As a result, businesses couldn’t take advantage of AI advances quickly enough. Which is why we’re excited that MAAP is now available: the MAAP program and its ecosystem of companies addresses these challenges comprehensively. MAAP offers customers the right expertise and solutions for their use cases, and removes integration risk. Meanwhile, the MAAP ecosystem seamlessly integrates many of the world’s leading AI and tech organizations—a real value-add for customers. While the MAAP ecosystem is just getting started, it already includes tech leaders like Accenture, AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, as well as gen AI innovators Anthropic, Cohere, and LangChain. The result is a group of organizations that will enable customers to build differentiated, production-ready AI applications, while aiming to deliver substantial return on investment. Unlocking the power of data… It’s an understatement to say that the AI landscape is ever-changing. To keep pace with the latest developments and customer expectations, access to trusted collaborators and a robust support system are critical for organizations who want to innovate with AI. What’s more, innovating with AI can mean tackling data silos and overcoming limited in-house technical expertise—which MAAP solves for with a central architecture for gen AI applications, pre-configured integrations, and professional services to ensure organizations’ requirements are met. This framework provides flexibility for technical and non-technical teams alike, empowering them to leverage AI and company data for tasks specific to their department, no matter their preferred cloud or LLM. The MAAP ecosystem—representing industry leaders from every part of the AI stack—includes Accenture , Anthropic , Anyscale , Arcee AI , AWS , Cohere , Credal , Fireworks AI , Google Cloud , gravity9 , LangChain , LlamaIndex , Microsoft Azure , Nomic , PeerIslands , Pureinsights , and Together AI . MongoDB is uniquely qualified to bring together the solutions MAAP offers: MongoDB customers can use any LLM provider, we can run anywhere (on all major cloud providers, on premises, and at the edge), and MongoDB offers seamless integrations with a variety of frameworks and systems. Perhaps most importantly, thousands of customers already rely on MongoDB to power their mission-critical apps, and we have years of experience helping customers unlock the power of data. The ultimate aim of MAAP is to enable customers to get the most out of their data, and to ensure that they can confidently innovate with AI. A recent success is Anywhere Real Estate (NASDAQ: HOUS), the parent company of well-known brands like Century 21, Coldwell Banker, and Sotheby’s International Realty. Anywhere partnered with MongoDB to drive their digital transformation, and is now delving into the potential of MAAP to fast-track their AI adoption. By harnessing MongoDB’s expertise, Anywhere is set to future-proof its tech stack and to excel in an increasingly AI-driven landscape. “Generative AI is a game-changer for Anywhere, and we’re integrating it into our products with enthusiasm,” said Damian Ng, Senior Vice President of Technology at Anywhere. “MongoDB has been an invaluable partner, helping us rapidly explore and develop new approaches and opportunities. The journey ahead is exciting!” …and clearing the way for AI innovation MAAP offers customers a clear path to developing and deploying AI-enriched applications. The cornerstone of MAAP is MongoDB : applications are underpinned by MongoDB, which securely unifies real-time, operational, unstructured, and AI-related data without the need for bolt-on solutions. MongoDB’s open and integrated architecture provides easy access to the MAAP partner network and enables the extension and customization of applications. With MAAP, customers can: Accelerate their gen AI development with expert, hands-on support and services . MAAP expert services, combining the strengths of MongoDB Professional Services and industry-leading gen AI consultancies, will enable customers to rapidly innovate with AI. MAAP offers strategic guidance on roadmaps and skillsets, assists with data integration into advanced AI technologies, and can even develop production-ready applications. MAAP goes beyond development, empowering teams with best practices for securely integrating your data into scalable gen AI solutions, ensuring businesses are equipped to tackle future AI initiatives. Build high-performing gen AI applications that tackle industry-specific needs . Pre-designed architectures give customers repeatable, accelerated frameworks for building AI applications. Architectures are fully customizable and extendable to accommodate ever-evolving generative AI use cases, like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) or advanced AI capabilities like Agentic AI and advanced RAG technique integrations. With MongoDB’s open and integrated platform at its core, innovation with MAAP’s composable architectures is unlimited, making it easy for customers to bring the power of leading AI platforms directly to their applications. Upskill teams to quickly—and repeatedly—build modern AI applications . MAAP customers have access to a variety of learning materials , including a dedicated MAAP GitHub library featuring integration code, demos, and a gen AI application prototype. These comprehensive resources will enable developers to build intelligent, personalized applications faster, while giving organizations the tools to expand their in-house AI expertise. With MAAP, customers have access to integration and development best practices that they can use for future gen AI projects. It’s early days, but there are wide-ranging indications that AI will impact everything from developer productivity to economic output. We’ve already seen customers use gen AI to speed modernization efforts, boost worker productivity with agents, unlock sales productivity , and power identity governance with natural language . In other words, AI is here to stay, and now is the time to take advantage of it. MAAP is designed to set customers up for AI success today and tomorrow: the program will be continuously enhanced with the latest technological advancements and industry best practices, to ensure that customers stay ahead of this rapidly evolving space. So please visit the MAAP page to learn more or to connect with the team! Our MAAP experts are happy to guide you on your AI journey and to show how the MongoDB AI Applications Program can help your organization.

July 23, 2024

Le programme d’applications MongoDB AI (MAAP) est désormais disponible

Chez MongoDB, tout émane de notre volonté d’aider nos clients à résoudre leurs problèmes d’applications et de données, quel que soit le cas d’utilisation. Nous discutons chaque jour avec nos clients, et leur enthousiasme pour l’IA générative est manifeste. Cependant, ils nous disent ne pas trop savoir comment passer du concept à la production tout en contrôlant les coûts. C’est pourquoi il est important de bien se préparer à l’adoption de l’IA. We’re therefore thrilled to announce the general availability of the MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) ! A first-of-its-kind program, MAAP will help organizations take advantage of rapidly advancing AI technologies. It offers customers a wealth of resources to put AI applications into production: reference architectures and an end-to-end technology stack that includes integrations with leading technology providers, professional services, and a unified support system to help customers quickly build and deploy AI applications. Indeed, some early AI adopters found that legacy technologies can’t manage the multi-modal data structures required to power AI applications. This was compounded by a lack of in-house skills and the perceived risk of integrating disparate components without support. As a result, businesses couldn’t take advantage of AI advances quickly enough. Which is why we’re excited that MAAP is now available: the MAAP program and its ecosystem of companies addresses these challenges comprehensively. MAAP offers customers the right expertise and solutions for their use cases, and removes integration risk. Meanwhile, the MAAP ecosystem seamlessly integrates many of the world’s leading AI and tech organizations—a real value-add for customers. While the MAAP ecosystem is just getting started, it already includes tech leaders like Accenture, AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, as well as gen AI innovators Anthropic, Cohere, and LangChain. The result is a group of organizations that will enable customers to build differentiated, production-ready AI applications, while aiming to deliver substantial return on investment. Unlocking the power of data… It’s an understatement to say that the AI landscape is ever-changing. To keep pace with the latest developments and customer expectations, access to trusted collaborators and a robust support system are critical for organizations who want to innovate with AI. What’s more, innovating with AI can mean tackling data silos and overcoming limited in-house technical expertise—which MAAP solves for with a central architecture for gen AI applications, pre-configured integrations, and professional services to ensure organizations’ requirements are met. This framework provides flexibility for technical and non-technical teams alike, empowering them to leverage AI and company data for tasks specific to their department, no matter their preferred cloud or LLM. The MAAP ecosystem—representing industry leaders from every part of the AI stack—includes Accenture , Anthropic , Anyscale , Arcee AI , AWS , Cohere , Credal , Fireworks AI , Google Cloud , gravity9 , LangChain , LlamaIndex , Microsoft Azure , Nomic , PeerIslands , Pureinsights , and Together AI . MongoDB is uniquely qualified to bring together the solutions MAAP offers: MongoDB customers can use any LLM provider, we can run anywhere (on all major cloud providers, on premises, and at the edge), and MongoDB offers seamless integrations with a variety of frameworks and systems. Perhaps most importantly, thousands of customers already rely on MongoDB to power their mission-critical apps, and we have years of experience helping customers unlock the power of data. The ultimate aim of MAAP is to enable customers to get the most out of their data, and to ensure that they can confidently innovate with AI. A recent success is Anywhere Real Estate (NASDAQ: HOUS), the parent company of well-known brands like Century 21, Coldwell Banker, and Sotheby’s International Realty. Anywhere partnered with MongoDB to drive their digital transformation, and is now delving into the potential of MAAP to fast-track their AI adoption. By harnessing MongoDB’s expertise, Anywhere is set to future-proof its tech stack and to excel in an increasingly AI-driven landscape. “Generative AI is a game-changer for Anywhere, and we’re integrating it into our products with enthusiasm,” said Damian Ng, Senior Vice President of Technology at Anywhere. “MongoDB has been an invaluable partner, helping us rapidly explore and develop new approaches and opportunities. The journey ahead is exciting!” …and clearing the way for AI innovation MAAP offers customers a clear path to developing and deploying AI-enriched applications. The cornerstone of MAAP is MongoDB : applications are underpinned by MongoDB, which securely unifies real-time, operational, unstructured, and AI-related data without the need for bolt-on solutions. MongoDB’s open and integrated architecture provides easy access to the MAAP partner network and enables the extension and customization of applications. With MAAP, customers can: Accelerate their gen AI development with expert, hands-on support and services . MAAP expert services, combining the strengths of MongoDB Professional Services and industry-leading gen AI consultancies, will enable customers to rapidly innovate with AI. MAAP offers strategic guidance on roadmaps and skillsets, assists with data integration into advanced AI technologies, and can even develop production-ready applications. MAAP goes beyond development, empowering teams with best practices for securely integrating your data into scalable gen AI solutions, ensuring businesses are equipped to tackle future AI initiatives. Build high-performing gen AI applications that tackle industry-specific needs . Pre-designed architectures give customers repeatable, accelerated frameworks for building AI applications. Architectures are fully customizable and extendable to accommodate ever-evolving generative AI use cases, like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) or advanced AI capabilities like Agentic AI and advanced RAG technique integrations. With MongoDB’s open and integrated platform at its core, innovation with MAAP’s composable architectures is unlimited, making it easy for customers to bring the power of leading AI platforms directly to their applications. Upskill teams to quickly—and repeatedly—build modern AI applications . MAAP customers have access to a variety of learning materials , including a dedicated MAAP GitHub library featuring integration code, demos, and a gen AI application prototype. These comprehensive resources will enable developers to build intelligent, personalized applications faster, while giving organizations the tools to expand their in-house AI expertise. With MAAP, customers have access to integration and development best practices that they can use for future gen AI projects. It’s early days, but there are wide-ranging indications that AI will impact everything from developer productivity to economic output. We’ve already seen customers use gen AI to speed modernization efforts, boost worker productivity with agents, unlock sales productivity , and power identity governance with natural language . In other words, AI is here to stay, and now is the time to take advantage of it. MAAP is designed to set customers up for AI success today and tomorrow: the program will be continuously enhanced with the latest technological advancements and industry best practices, to ensure that customers stay ahead of this rapidly evolving space. So please visit the MAAP page to learn more or to connect with the team! Our MAAP experts are happy to guide you on your AI journey and to show how the MongoDB AI Applications Program can help your organization.

July 23, 2024

MongoDB AI 애플리케이션 프로그램(MAAP) 출시

MongoDB에서는 사용 사례에 관계없이 모든 것이 고객이 애플리케이션 및 데이터 과제를 해결하도록 지원하는 것에서 시작됩니다. 매일 고객과 대화를 나누면서 고객이 생성형 AI에 대해 큰 기대감을 가지고 있다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 그러나 많은 고객이 개념을 실제 운영으로 전환하는 과정에서 어떻게 해야 할지 막막해하고 비용 관리에 대한 부담도 느끼고 있습니다. 따라서 AI를 올바르게 도입하는 방법을 찾는 것이 매우 중요합니다. 따라서 MongoDB AI 애플리케이션 프로그램 (MAAP) 의 정식 출시를 발표하게 되어 기쁩니다! 업계 최초의 프로그램인 MAAP는 조직이 빠르게 발전하는 AI 기술을 활용할 수 있도록 지원합니다. 주요 기술 제공자와의 통합, 전문 서비스, 고객이 AI 애플리케이션을 신속하게 구축하고 배포할 수 있도록 지원하는 통합 지원 시스템을 포함하는 참조 아키텍처 및 엔드 투 엔드 기술 스택 등 AI 애플리케이션을 프로덕션에 적용할 수 있는 풍부한 리소스를 고객에게 제공합니다. 실제로 일부 초기 AI 채택자들은 레거시 기술로는 AI 애플리케이션을 구동하는 데 필요한 다중 모드 데이터 구조를 관리할 수 없다는 사실을 발견했습니다. 이는 내부 기술 부족과 지원 없이 서로 다른 구성 요소를 통합하는 데 따른 위험으로 인해 더욱 악화되었습니다. 결과적으로 기업은 AI 발전을 충분히 빠르게 활용하지 못했습니다. 이러한 문제를 포괄적으로 해결할 수 있는 MAAP 프로그램과 기업 에코시스템이 출시되어 매우 기쁩니다. MAAP는 고객에게 사용 사례에 적합한 전문 지식과 솔루션을 제공하고 통합 위험을 제거합니다. 한편, MAAP 에코시스템은 세계 유수의 AI 및 기술 조직을 원활하게 통합하여 고객에게 실질적인 부가가치를 제공합니다. 생성형 인공지능 MAAP 에코시스템은 이제 막 시작되었지만, 이미 Accenture, AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure와 같은 기술 선도 기업들과 생성형 인공지능 혁신 기업인 Anthropic, Cohere, LangChain이 포함되어 있습니다. 그 결과, 고객이 프로덕션에 바로 사용할 수 있는 차별화된 AI 애플리케이션을 구축하는 동시에 상당한 투자 수익을 달성할 수 있도록 지원하는 조직 그룹이 탄생했습니다. 데이터의 힘을 활용하다. AI 환경은 끊임없이 변화하고 있다고 해도 과언이 아닙니다. 최신 개발과 고객의 기대에 부응하기 위해서는 AI로 혁신을 이루고자 하는 조직에게 신뢰할 수 있는 협력자와 강력한 지원 시스템이 필수적입니다. 또한 AI를 통한 혁신으로 데이터 사일로를 해결하고 제한된 사내 기술 전문 지식을 극복할 수 있습니다. MAAP는 생성형 인공지능 애플리케이션을 위한 중앙 아키텍처, 사전 구성된 통합, 조직의 요구 사항을 충족할 수 있는 전문 서비스를 통해 이러한 문제를 해결합니다. 이 프레임워크는 기술 팀과 비기술 팀 모두에게 유연성을 제공하여 선호하는 클라우드나 LLM에 관계없이 해당 부서와 관련된 작업에 AI 및 회사 데이터를 활용할 수 있도록 지원합니다. MAAP 에코시스템은 AI 스택의 모든 부분에서 산업 리더들을 대표하며, Accenture, Anthropic, Anyscale, Arcee AI, AWS, Cohere, Credal, Fireworks AI, Google Cloud, gravity9, LangChain, LlamaIndex, Microsoft Azure, Nomic, PeerIslands, Pureinsights, 그리고 Together AI를 포함합니다. MongoDB는 MAAP가 제공하는 솔루션을 통합할 수 있는 독보적인 자격을 갖추고 있습니다. MongoDB 고객은 모든 LLM 제공자를 사용할 수 있고, 모든 주요 클라우드 공급자, 온프레미스, 엣지 등 어디서나 실행할 수 있으며, 다양한 프레임워크 및 시스템과의 원활한 통합을 누릴 수 있습니다. 아마도 가장 중요한 점은 이미 수많은 고객이 미션 크리티컬 앱을 실행하기 위해 MongoDB를 활용하고 있다는 것이며 MongoDB는 오랜 경험을 바탕으로 고객들이 데이터의 힘을 활용할 수 있도록 지원해 왔습니다. MAAP의 궁극적인 목표는 고객이 데이터로부터 최대의 가치를 얻고 자신 있게 AI 혁신을 이룰 수 있도록 보장하는 것입니다. 최근의 성공 사례로는 Century 21, Coldwell Banker, Sotheby's International Realty와 같은 유명 브랜드의 모기업인 Anywhere Real Estate (NASDAQ: HOUS)가 있습니다. Anywhere는 디지털 전환을 추진하기 위해 MongoDB와 협력했으며, 이제 MAAP의 잠재력을 활용하여 AI 도입을 빠르게 진행하고 있습니다. MongoDB의 전문 지식을 활용하여 Anywhere는 기술 스택의 장기적인 경쟁력을 확보하고 AI가 주도하는 환경에서 우수한 성과를 거둘 수 있는 준비를 마쳤습니다. Anywhere의 기술 담당 수석 부사장인 Damian Ng는 "생성형 인공지능은 Anywhere의 판도를 바꿀 수 있는 기술이며, 우리는 이를 적극적으로 제품에 통합하고 있습니다."라며, "MongoDB는 새로운 접근 방식과 기회를 빠르게 탐색하고 개발하는 데 도움을 주는 귀중한 파트너였습니다. 앞으로의 여정이 기대됩니다!"하고 밝혔습니다. AI 혁신의 길을 활짝 열다. MAAP는 고객에게 AI가 강화된 애플리케이션을 개발 및 배포할 수 있는 명확한 경로를 제공합니다. MAAP의 초석은 MongoDB 입니다. 애플리케이션은 추가 솔루션 없이도 실시간, 운영, 비정형 및 AI 관련 데이터를 안전하게 통합하는 MongoDB를 기반으로 합니다. MongoDB의 개방형 통합 아키텍처를 통해 MAAP 파트너 네트워크에 쉽게 액세스할 수 있으며 애플리케이션의 확장 및 사용자 정의가 가능합니다. MAAP를 통해 고객은 다음을 수행할 수 있습니다. 전문가의 실무 지원 및 서비스를 통해 생성형 인공지능 개발을 가속화합니다. MongoDB 전문 서비스와 업계 최고의 차세대 생성형 인공지능 컨설팅의 강점을 결합한 MAAP 전문가 서비스를 통해 고객은 AI로 빠르게 혁신할 수 있습니다. MAAP는 로드맵과 스킬셋에 대한 전략적 지침을 제공하고, 고급 AI 기술에 대한 데이터 통합을 지원하며, 프로덕션에 바로 사용할 수 있는 애플리케이션을 개발할 수도 있습니다. MAAP는 개발을 넘어 확장 가능한 차세대 생성형 인공지능 솔루션에 데이터를 안전하게 통합하는 모범 사례를 통해 팀의 역량을 강화하여 기업이 미래의 AI 이니셔티브에 대응할 수 있도록 지원합니다. 산업별 요구 사항을 해결하는 고성능 생성형 인공지능 애플리케이션을 구축합니다. 사전 설계된 아키텍처는 고객에게 AI 애플리케이션 구축을 위한 반복 가능하고 가속화된 프레임워크를 제공합니다. 아키텍처는 검색 증강 생성 (RAG) 또는 에이전트 AI 및 고급 RAG 기술 통합과 같은 고급 AI 기능과 같이 끊임없이 진화하는 생성형 인공지능 사용 사례를 수용하도록 완벽하게 사용자 지정 및 확장할 수 있습니다. MongoDB의 개방형 통합 플랫폼을 핵심으로 하여 MAAP의 구성 가능 아키텍처를 통한 혁신은 무한하며, 고객은 주요 AI 플랫폼의 성능을 애플리케이션에 직접 쉽게 적용할 수 있습니다. 팀 역량을 강화하여 최신 AI 애플리케이션을 신속하게, 그리고 반복적으로 구축할 수 있습니다. MAAP 고객은 통합 코드 , 데모 및 생성형 AI 애플리케이션 프로토타입을 포함한 다양한 학습 자료가 제공되는 전용 MAAP GitHub 라이브러리에 액세스할 수 있습니다. 이러한 포괄적인 리소스는 개발자가 지능적이고 개인화된 애플리케이션을 더 빠르게 구축할 수 있도록 도와주며, 조직이 자체 AI 전문성을 확장할 수 있는 수단을 제공합니다. MAAP을 통해 고객은 향후 차세대 생성형 AI 프로젝트에 사용할 수 있는 통합 및 개발 모범 사례에 액세스할 수 있습니다. 아직 초기 단계이지만, AI가 개발자 생산성부터 경제적 성과에 이르기까지 모든 것에 영향을 미칠 것이라는 징후가 광범위하게 나타나고 있습니다. 이미 고객들은 생성형 인공지능를 사용하여 현대화 작업을 가속화하고, 에이전트를 통해 직원 생산성을 높이고, 영업 생산성을 높이고 , 자연어를 통해 ID 거버넌스를 강화하는 것을 목격했습니다 . 다시 말해 AI는 앞으로 계속 발전할 것이며, 지금이 바로 이를 활용할 때입니다. MAAP는 고객이 현재와 미래의 AI 성공에 대비할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 이 프로그램은 최신 기술 발전과 업계 모범 사례를 통해 지속적으로 개선되어 고객이 빠르게 진화하는 이 분야에서 앞서 나갈 수 있도록 지원합니다. MAAP 페이지를 방문하여 더 많은 정보를 확인하고 팀과 소통해 보세요! MAAP 전문가들이 여러분의 AI 여정을 안내해드리며, MongoDB AI 애플리케이션 프로그램이 여러분의 조직에 어떻게 도움이 될 수 있는지 알려드립니다.

July 23, 2024

Il MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) è ora disponibile

In MongoDB, tutto inizia con l'aiutare i clienti a risolvere le sfide legate alle applicazioni e ai dati (indipendentemente dal caso d'uso). I clienti, con cui parliamo ogni giorno, sono entusiasti dell'IA generativa. Tuttavia, hanno dubbi su come passare dall'ideazione alla produzione e hanno bisogno di controllare i costi. Di conseguenza, per loro è fondamentale scoprire qual è il modo giusto per adottare l'IA. Siamo quindi entusiasti di annunciare che MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) è ora disponibile al pubblico. MAAP, un programma unico nel suo genere, aiuterà le organizzazioni a trarre vantaggio dalle tecnologie di IA in rapida evoluzione. Offre ai clienti una vasta gamma di risorse per mettere in produzione le applicazioni di IA: architetture di riferimento e uno stack tecnologico end-to-end che include integrazioni con i principali fornitori di tecnologie, servizi professionali e un sistema di supporto unificato per aiutare i clienti a creare e distribuire rapidamente applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale. In effetti, alcuni dei primi utilizzatori dell'IA avevano scoperto che le tecnologie legacy non sono in grado di gestire le strutture di dati multimodali necessarie per alimentare le applicazioni di IA. A ciò si è aggiunta la mancanza di competenze interne e il rischio percepito legato all'integrazione di componenti diversi senza alcun tipo di assistenza. Di conseguenza, le aziende non sono riuscite a trarre vantaggio dai progressi dell'IA abbastanza rapidamente. Ecco perché siamo entusiasti che MAAP sia ora disponibile: il programma MAAP e il suo ecosistema di aziende affrontano queste sfide in modo completo. MAAP offre ai clienti le competenze e le soluzioni giuste per i loro casi d'uso ed elimina i rischi di integrazione. Inoltre, l'ecosistema MAAP integra perfettamente molte delle principali organizzazioni del settore tecnologico e IA del mondo, offrendo un reale valore aggiunto ai clienti. Sebbene l'ecosistema MAAP sia ancora agli inizi, include già leader tecnologici come Accenture, AWS, Google Cloud e Microsoft Azure, oltre agli innovatori nel campo dell'IA generativa Anthropic, Cohere e LangChain. Il risultato è un gruppo di organizzazioni che consentirà ai clienti di creare applicazioni IA differenziate e pronte per la produzione, con l'obiettivo di fornire un notevole ritorno sull'investimento. Liberare la potenza dei dati... Affermare che il panorama dell’IA è in continua evoluzione è un eufemismo. Per stare al passo con gli ultimi sviluppi e le aspettative dei clienti, per le organizzazioni che desiderano innovare con l'IA è fondamentale poter accedere a collaboratori fidati e a un solido sistema di supporto. Inoltre, innovare con l'intelligenza artificiale può comportare la necessità di affrontare i silos di dati e superare il limite delle competenze tecniche interne, che MAAP risolve con un'architettura centrale per le applicazioni di IA generativa, integrazioni preconfigurate e servizi professionali per garantire che le esigenze delle organizzazioni siano soddisfatte. Questo framework offre flessibilità ai team esperti e non esperti, consentendo loro di sfruttare l'IA e i dati aziendali per le attività specifiche dei propri dipartimenti, indipendentemente dal cloud o dall'LLM preferito. L'ecosistema MAAP, che rappresenta i leader del settore in ogni parte dello stack IA, include Accenture , Anthropic , Anyscale , Arcee AI , AWS , Cohere , Credal , Fireworks AI , Google Cloud , gravity9 , LangChain , LlamaIndex , Microsoft Azure , Nomic , PeerIslands , Pureinsights e Together AI . MongoDB offre tutto il necessario per riunire le soluzioni offerte da MAAP: consente di utilizzare qualsiasi provider di LLM, può essere eseguito ovunque (su tutti i principali provider di cloud, on premise e nell'edge) e offre integrazioni perfette con una vasta gamma di framework e sistemi. E soprattutto, migliaia di clienti si affidano già a MongoDB per alimentare le loro app mission-critical, grazie alla nostra esperienza pluriennale nell'aiutare i clienti a liberare la potenza dei dati. L'obiettivo finale di MAAP è consentire ai clienti di ottenere il massimo dai propri dati e di innovare con sicurezza con l'IA. Un recente successo è quello di Anywhere Real Estate (NASDAQ: HOUS), la società madre di marchi noti come Century 21, Coldwell Banker e Sotheby's International Realty. Anywhere è diventata partner di MongoDB per attuare la propria trasformazione digitale e ora sta attingendo al potenziale di MAAP per accelerare l'adozione dell'IA. Sfruttando la competenza di MongoDB, Anywhere è pronta ad adeguare il suo stack tecnologico alle esigenze future e ad eccellere in un panorama sempre più orientato all'intelligenza artificiale. "L'IA generativa rappresenta un punto di svolta per Anywhere e la stiamo integrando nei nostri prodotti con entusiasmo", ha affermato Damian Ng, Vice President of Technology di Anywhere. "MongoDB è stato un partner prezioso, che ci ha aiutato a esplorare e sviluppare rapidamente nuovi approcci e opportunità. Il viaggio che ci aspetta è emozionante". ...e spianare la strada all'innovazione con l'IA MAAP offre ai clienti un percorso chiaro per lo sviluppo e la distribuzione di applicazioni arricchite con l'IA. Il fulcro di MAAP è MongoDB : le applicazioni si basano su MongoDB, che unifica in modo sicuro i dati in tempo reale, operativi, non strutturati e legati all'IA, senza bisogno di soluzioni aggiuntive. L'architettura aperta e integrata di MongoDB offre un facile accesso alla rete di partner MAAP e consente l'estensione e la personalizzazione delle applicazioni. Con MAAP, i clienti possono: Accelerare lo sviluppo dell'IA generativa con servizi e supporto esperti e pratici. I servizi specializzati di MAAP, che combinano i punti di forza di MongoDB Professional Services e delle società di consulenza leader nel settore dell'IA, consentirà ai clienti di innovare rapidamente con l'IA. MAAP offre indicazioni strategiche sulle roadmap e sulle competenze, assiste nell'integrazione dei dati nelle tecnologie IA avanzate ed è persino in grado di sviluppare applicazioni pronte per la produzione. MAAP va oltre lo sviluppo, fornendo ai team le best practice per integrare in modo sicuro i suoi dati in soluzioni di IA generativa scalabile, garantendo che le aziende siano preparate ad affrontare le future iniziative di IA. Crea applicazioni IA ad alte prestazioni in grado di soddisfare le esigenze specifiche del settore. Le architetture predefinite offrono ai clienti framework ripetibili e accelerati per la creazione di applicazioni IA. Le architetture sono completamente personalizzabili ed estendibili per adattarsi a casi d'uso di IA generativa in continua evoluzione, come la RAG ( Retrieval Augmented Generation ) o funzionalità IA avanzate come Agentic AI e integrazioni avanzate di tecniche RAG. Con la piattaforma aperta e integrata di MongoDB al centro, l'innovazione con le architetture componibili di MAAP è illimitata e consente ai clienti di portare facilmente la potenza delle principali piattaforme di intelligenza artificiale direttamente nelle loro applicazioni. Migliora le competenze dei team per creare rapidamente e ripetutamente applicazioni IA moderne. I clienti MAAP hanno accesso a una varietà di materiali di apprendimento , tra cui una libreria GitHub MAAP dedicata con codice di integrazione, demo e un prototipo di applicazione di IA generativa. Queste risorse complete consentiranno agli sviluppatori di creare applicazioni intelligenti e personalizzate più velocemente, fornendo al contempo alle organizzazioni gli strumenti per espandere le proprie competenze interne in materia di IA. Con MAAP, i clienti hanno accesso alle best practice di integrazione e sviluppo, che possono utilizzare per i futuri progetti di IA generativa. Siamo ancora agli inizi, ma si ritiene che l'IA avrà un impatto su tutto, dalla produttività degli sviluppatori alla produzione economica. Abbiamo già visto i clienti utilizzare l'IA generativa per accelerare le iniziative di modernizzazione, aumentare la produttività dei lavoratori con gli agenti, sbloccare la produttività delle vendit e potenziare la governance delle identità con il linguaggio naturale . In altre parole, l'IA è destinata a durare, e questo è il momento di approfittarne. MAAP è progettato per preparare i clienti al successo con l'IA oggi e domani: il programma sarà continuamente migliorato con i più recenti progressi tecnologici e le best practice del settore, per garantire che i clienti siano sempre all'avanguardia in questo settore in rapida evoluzione. Per saperne di più o per connetterti con il team, visita la pagina MAAP ! I nostri esperti di MAAP saranno lieti di guidarti nel tuo percorso verso l'IA e di mostrarti come MongoDB Applications Program può aiutare la tua organizzazione.

July 23, 2024

O MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) já está disponível

No MongoDB, o primeiro passo é ajudar nossos clientes a resolver seus desafios relacionados a aplicativos e dados (independentemente do caso de uso). Conversamos com os clientes todos os dias e eles estão animados com a IA generativa. Mas eles também não têm certeza de como passar do conceito à produção e precisam controlar os custos. Portanto, encontrar a maneira correta de adotar a IA é fundamental. Então, temos a satisfação de anunciar que agora o MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) está disponível para todos! O MAAP, um programa inédito, ajudará empresas e instituições a aproveitar as vantagens das tecnologias de IA, que estão se desenvolvendo rapidamente. Ele oferece aos clientes uma grande variedade de recursos para colocar os aplicativos de IA em produção: arquiteturas de referência e uma pilha de tecnologia de ponta a ponta que inclui integrações com os principais provedores de tecnologia, serviços profissionais e um sistema de suporte unificado para ajudar os clientes a criar e implantar aplicativos de IA rapidamente. De fato, alguns dos primeiros a adotar a IA descobriram que as tecnologias legadas não conseguem gerenciar as estruturas de dados multimodais necessárias para alimentar os aplicativos de IA. Isso foi agravado pela falta de habilidades internas e pela percepção de que há um risco em integrar componentes diferentes sem suporte. Então, as empresas não poderiam aproveitar os avanços da IA com rapidez suficiente. É por isso que estamos animados com a disponibilidade do MAAP: o programa MAAP e seu ecossistema de empresas abordam esses desafios de forma abrangente. O MAAP oferece aos clientes a experiência e as soluções certas para seus casos de uso e remove o risco de integração. Além disso, o ecossistema MAAP integra perfeitamente muitas das principais organizações de IA e tecnologia do mundo — um verdadeiro valor agregado para os clientes. Embora o ecossistema MAAP esteja apenas começando, ele já inclui líderes de tecnologia como Accenture, AWS, Google Cloud Platform e Microsoft Azure, bem como inovadores de geração de IA como Anthropic, Cohere e LangChain. O resultado é um grupo de organizações que permitirá aos clientes criar aplicativos de AI diferenciados e prontos para produção, além de proporcionar um retorno considerável do investimento. Liberando o potencial dos dados… É evidente que o cenário da IA está em constante mudança. Para acompanhar os últimos desenvolvimentos e expectativas dos clientes, o acesso a colaboradores confiáveis e um sistema de suporte robusto são essenciais para organizações que desejam inovar com IA. Além disso, inovar com a IA pode significar lidar com silos de dados e superar a limitada experiência técnica interna, a qual o MAAP soluciona com uma arquitetura central para aplicativos de IA generativa, integrações pré-configuradas e serviços profissionais para garantir que os requisitos das organizações sejam atendidos. Esse framework oferece flexibilidade para equipes técnicas e não técnicas, habilitando-as a aproveitar a IA e os dados da empresa para tarefas específicas de seu departamento, independentemente da nuvem ou do LLM que prefiram. O ecossistema MAAP, que representa os principais nomes do setor de todas as partes da pilha de tecnologia de IA, inclui Accenture , Anthropic , Anyscale , Arcee AI , AWS , Cohere , Credal , Fireworks AI , Google Cloud , gravity9 , LangChain , LlamaIndex , Microsoft Azure , Nomic , PeerIslands , Pureinsights e Together AI . O MongoDB tem a qualificação exclusiva para reunir as soluções que o MAAP oferece: os clientes do MongoDB podem usar qualquer provedor de LLM, já que o MongoDB pode ser executado em qualquer lugar (em todos os principais provedores de nuvem, locais e em edge) e também apresenta integrações completas com diversos frameworks e sistemas. Talvez, o mais importante, seja que milhares de clientes já confiam no MongoDB para oferecer suporte para seus aplicativos essenciais e temos anos de experiência ajudando os clientes a liberar o potencial dos dados. O objetivo principal do MAAP é possibilitar que os clientes aproveitem ao máximo seus dados e garantir que eles possam inovar com a IA. Um sucesso recente é a Anywhere Real Estate (NASDAQ: HOUS), a empresa controladora de marcas conhecidas como Century 21, Coldwell Banker e Sotheby's International Realty. A Anywhere fez uma parceria com o MongoDB para impulsionar sua transformação digital e agora está conhecendo todo o potencial do MAAP, para acelerar a adoção da IA. Ao aproveitar a experiência do MongoDB, a Anywhere já consegue preparar sua pilha de tecnologia para o futuro e se destacar em um cenário cada vez mais orientado por IA. "A IA generativa é um divisor de águas para a Anywhere, e estamos animados em integrá-la a nossos produtos", disse Damian Ng, vice-presidente sênior de tecnologia da Anywhere. "O MongoDB tem sido um parceiro inestimável, ajudando-nos a explorar e desenvolver rapidamente novas abordagens e oportunidades. A jornada pela frente é fascinante!” …e abrindo caminho para a inovação com a IA O MAAP oferece aos clientes um caminho claro para desenvolver e implantar aplicativos aprimorados por IA. A base do MAAP é o MongoDB : os aplicativos são sustentados pelo MongoDB, que unifica com segurança dados em tempo real, operacionais, não estruturados e relacionados a IA, sem a necessidade de soluções adicionais. A arquitetura aberta e integrada do MongoDB oferece fácil acesso à rede de parceiros MAAP e permite a extensão e personalização de aplicativos. Com o MAAP, os clientes podem: Acelerar o desenvolvimento de IA generativa com suporte e serviços especializados e práticos. Os serviços especializados do MAAP, combinando os pontos fortes dos Serviços profissionais do MongoDB e das maiores consultorias de IA generativa do setor, permitirão que o cliente inove rapidamente com IA. O MAAP oferece orientação estratégica sobre roteiros e conjuntos de habilidades, ajuda na integração de dados em tecnologias avançadas de IA e pode até desenvolver aplicativos prontos para produção. O MAAP vai além do desenvolvimento, capacitando equipes com as melhores práticas para integrar com segurança seus dados em soluções dimensionáveis de IA generativa, garantindo que as empresas estejam preparadas para lidar com futuras iniciativas de AI. Criar aplicativos de IA generativa de alto desempenho que atendam às necessidades específicas do setor. As arquiteturas pré-projetadas oferecem aos clientes frameworks reproduzíveis e acelerados para a criação de aplicativos de IA. As arquiteturas são totalmente personalizáveis e extensíveis para acomodar casos de uso de IA generativa em constante evolução, como geração aumentada de recuperação (RAG) ou recursos avançados de IA, como Agentic AI e integrações avançadas de técnicas de RAG. Com a plataforma aberta e integrada do MongoDB como sua base, a possibilidade de inovação com as arquiteturas compostas do MAAP é ilimitada, permitindo que os clientes aproveitem o potencial das principais plataformas de IA diretamente em seus aplicativos. Atualizar a equipe para criar aplicativos modernos de IA de forma rápida e contínua. Os clientes do MAAP têm acesso a diversos materiais de aprendizado , como uma biblioteca especializada do MAAP no GitHub com código de integração, demonstrações e um protótipo de aplicativo de IA generativa. Esses recursos abrangentes permitirão que os desenvolvedores criem aplicativos inteligentes e personalizados com mais rapidez e, ao mesmo tempo, darão às organizações as ferramentas para expandir sua experiência interna em IA. Com o MAAP, os clientes têm acesso às melhores práticas de integração e desenvolvimento que podem usar em futuros projetos de IA generativa. Ainda é cedo, mas há amplos indícios de que a AI terá impacto em tudo, desde a produtividade do desenvolvedor até o resultado econômico. Já vimos clientes usarem a IA generativa para acelerar iniciativas de modernização, aumentar a produtividade dos funcionários com agentes, destravar a produtividade das vendas e potencializar a governança de identidade com linguagem natural . Em outras palavras, a IA chegou para ficar e agora é a hora de aproveitá-la. O MAAP foi projetado para preparar os clientes para o sucesso da IA agora e no futuro: o programa será aprimorado continuamente com os mais recentes progressos técnicos e as melhores práticas do setor, para garantir que os clientes permaneçam à frente desse espaço em rápida evolução. Então, acesse a página do MAAP para saber mais ou para entrar em contato com a equipe! Nossos especialistas em MAAP terão o maior prazer em orientar você na sua jornada rumo à IA e mostrar como o MongoDB AI Applications Program pode ajudar sua organização.

July 23, 2024

Building the Next Big Thing Together: Announcing MongoDB’s Partners of the Year

Customers demand leading organizations to innovate, scale, and build modern applications at an unprecedented pace. At MongoDB, tens of thousands of companies in over 100 countries trust us with these critical workloads—the workloads that power their modern and gen AI applications. But MongoDB is hardly working alone. The broad MongoDB Partner Ecosystem is critical to serving customer needs across a number of industries, areas of excellence, and geographies. “Our partners are critical to MongoDB’s success. They help ensure that customers can access our technology easily and that they have the best possible experience when using MongoDB. “This is increasingly important as organizations look to innovate with generative AI, and our partners will play a big role in making this a reality,” said Alan Chhabra, Executive Vice President of Partners at MongoDB. “We work closely together all year, so it’s great to bring our partners together to celebrate everyone’s hard work and success. MongoDB’s partner awards shine a light on growth, determination, and an unwavering dedication to customer needs.” At .local NYC 2024, we’ve been thrilled to highlight MongoDB’s incredible partners in sessions, hands-on labs, and announcements, including as part of the new MongoDB AI Application Program, which brings together industry-leading consultancies and foundation model providers, cloud infrastructure providers, and generative AI framework providers to help organizations rapidly build and deploy modern applications enriched with generative AI. We’re also very happy to announce MongoDB’s 2024 partners of the year. The 2024 list spans multiple partner types, industries, and categories and includes both established companies as well as emerging players. See below for more! Cloud - AI Partner of the Year: AWS Over the past year, AWS and MongoDB joined forces to make it even easier for customers to augment their gen AI-powered applications with enterprise data, most recently with the integration of MongoDB Atlas as a vector database in Amazon Bedrock’s fully managed Knowledge Base retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) workflow. In addition, MongoDB was named a launch partner for the AWS Generative AI Competency. With additional joint gen AI related integrations in the pipeline, there’s so much more to come! Cloud - Certified DBaaS Partner of the Year: Alibaba Alibaba Cloud consistently provides top-tier cloud services, integrating the latest MongoDB features and enhancements to deliver robust, scalable, and secure database solutions to a wide range of industries in China. Alibaba Cloud has the most up-to-date MongoDB services in China, via their ApsaraDB for MongoDB offering, and, along with their dedication to localizing products and services to meet the unique needs of the Chinese market, has solidified Alibaba Cloud’s position as a leading DBaaS provider. Cloud - Modernization Partner of the Year: Google Cloud MongoDB has partnered with Google Cloud since 2018, with MongoDB Atlas now available in 32 Google Cloud regions around the world, helping thousands of companies—like Ulta , Keller Williams , and Rent the Runway —adopt cloud-native data strategies. MongoDB and Google Cloud are fundamentally committed to breaking down data silos and ensuring that customers can build using data from any source, in any location, and on any platform. We're proud of our achievements in empowering businesses with data capabilities for digital transformations, and we are committed to further collaboration to help businesses succeed in their journeys. Cloud - Marketplace Partner of the Year: Microsoft Azure Microsoft and MongoDB are committed to empowering developers and organizations to build innovative, scalable, and intelligent applications on the Azure Marketplace. Through this partnership, Microsoft has enabled thousands of customers to leverage the power of MongoDB Atlas on Azure, the Data Developer Platform, accelerating their digital transformation journeys. Services - AI Industry Solutions: Capgemini Capgemini has developed innovative, MongoDB-based, Gen AI solutions over the last year, addressing multiple industries including insurance, banking, healthcare, retail, energy, and the public sector. Capgemini is one of MongoDB’s most innovative partners, and we congratulate and thank them for translating value propositions into business value! Services - Modernization Partner of the Year: Accenture This year, Accenture collaborated with MongoDB—both internally within their Centers of Excellence (COEs) and externally—to modernize client applications and data platforms. Our collaboration enhanced agility, reduced costs, and facilitated smooth integrations into multi-cloud environments. By leveraging MongoDB's modern data platform and gen AI technologies, Accenture used their modernization capabilities to deliver more efficient client outcomes. Services - Public Sector Partner of the Year: Clarity Solutions Clarity is our trusted partner for delivering quality professional services for our government customers. Clarity understands the air-gapped environments and have continuously helped MongoDB expand our footprint within various agencies in the public sector. We expect to continue this momentum! Services - Emerging Markets Partner of the Year: CloudMile In 2023, CloudMile launched a strategic partnership with MongoDB, leveraging Atlas, our cloud-native developer data platform. This partnership has resulted in both the delivery of modern application and modernization projects to customers across South East Asia. CloudMile enables their teams to convey and deliver the benefits of MongoDB Atlas, and we’re excited to continue growing our business across the region for years to come. Services - Jumpstart Partner of the Year: gravity9 gravity9 partners with MongoDB Professional Services to consistently deliver high quality Jumpstart engagements for our customers. Their work has accelerated consumption on MongoDB's data platform by consistently securing repeat business from some of our most strategic customers. Thank you gravity9! Services - Transformation Partner of the Year: McKinsey McKinsey’s transformational work with MongoDB on their Iguazio MLOps Platform makes them a fitting winner for this award. MongoDB & Iguazio provide unprecedented ease in delivery of data and data science on multi-cloud platforms. Utilizing the combination of MongoDB Cloud and Iguazio’s Data Science Platform allows for rapid implementation of data science projects. We’re thrilled to continue building with McKinsey for years to come. Services - AI Partner of the Year: Pureinsights Pureinsights, MongoDB's premier services partner for search and AI, has built one of the best RAG architectures for a large European car manufacturer using MongoDB's tech stack and by leveraging our comprehensive ecosystem for AI. Once deployed in production, the GAI solution will help this manufacturer save millions of dollars in their after sales division. Startup Program - AI Partner of the Year: Arcee Arcee, one of MongoDB’s most successful AI startup partners, specializes in training Smaller, Specialized Models (SLMs) that are tailored to customer’s specific data. They then employ metric-guided model merging to seamlessly integrate these custom-trained models with other large language models. This process not only enhances efficiency but also ensures limitless scalability across a broad spectrum of business applications, delivering exceptional performance tailored to meet diverse enterprise needs. ISV - Industry Solutions Partner of the Year: commercetools Commercetools’s world-leading composable commerce platform—fully powered by MongoDB Atlas—is driving the future of digital commerce. Through this partnership, commercetools can scale data to match the speed of your commerce experiences, processing real-time operational and analytical workloads for omnichannel and personalized commerce. Commercetools wins this award as they expand MongoDB’s reach into top retail brands, redefine digital commerce, and collaborate with us to deliver innovative solutions to the market. Technology - AI App Framework Partner of the Year: LangChain This year, LangChain and MongoDB partnered to simplify the development and deployment of gen AI applications through innovations like vector search, semantic caching, conversation history integrations, dedicated packages, and templates for MongoDB Atlas. The outstanding collaboration between LangChain and MongoDB continues to benefit our joint customers and all developers. Technology - AI Hosting Partner of the Year: Fireworks Fireworks AI and MongoDB Atlas came together this year to provide a solution for developers who want to leverage highly curated and optimized open-source models, and to combine these with their organization’s own proprietary data—and to do it all with unparalleled speed and security. Our continued partnership, including our joint go-to-market efforts, represents a milestone in our shared mission of helping developers to unlock the full potential of AI with confidence and efficiency. Congratulations Fireworks! Technology - Build with Partner of the Year: Informatica Informatica’s world-class MDM and 360 Applications leverages MongoDB to provide developers and organizations the opportunity to create data-first business applications, where data will drive the function and action of users and provide more opportunities for automation. Together, Informatica and MongoDB enable customers to efficiently create modern, cloud-native, data-driven, industry-tailored applications powered by MongoDB Atlas and with a secure foundation of trusted data from Informatica’s AI-powered MDM application. Thank you to all of our incredible Partners of the Year recipients! We are grateful to the entirety of our MongoDB partner ecosystem for their dedication in helping deliver incredible experiences for our customers. We will continue working with our partners to build and scale modern, genAI applications on MongoDB. To learn more about the MongoDB Partner Program, please visit our partners page .

May 2, 2024

Why MongoDB’s Partner Team is Focused like a Laser, Not a Flashlight

Four years ago, I wrote an article about how our Partner and Sales teams work together to ensure success. Since then, our Partner organization has grown five times in size and become even more of a competitive differentiator for MongoDB. As we continue to build lasting relationships with our partners and become even more strategic in how we leverage our partnerships, I’m reflecting on how far the Partner organization has come and where we’re headed. The Partner organization is the x-factor for MongoDB It starts with the customers, but more specifically, developers. Developers are creating some of the most innovative and modern applications with MongoDB, but our developer data platform is only one component of their tech stack. That’s why it’s essential to have an ecosystem of companies who help developers write or modernize their software faster. For MongoDB, this could be system integrators, cloud providers, ISVs who embed MongoDB into their products, technology partners who want to integrate with us, or resellers who enable us to sell MongoDB in new markets and regions. Most companies have a strategy for each and a team that manages these relationships, but there are a few things that make MongoDB’s Partner organization different. First, the people we hire. We look for individuals who have a sales-first mentality, are willing and able to generate pipeline, and can position the value of MongoDB. It’s extremely important for our Partner team to show ROI to our Sales teams, and I’d argue that if your Partner organization can’t do that, you might not need them. As part of the Partner team at MongoDB, you have the opportunity to master your sales skills and be rewarded for your success in finding new partnerships. One of our core MongoDB values is “Own What You Do” and it’s embodied every day on the Partner team. We demand excellence from ourselves. We take accountability for our actions and our success. We are empowered to make things happen. The second thing that sets MongoDB apart is that we manage partnerships like a laser, not a flashlight. We do not measure success by the number of partners we have. We prefer to deeply invest resources in a handful of alliances while we create an ecosystem funnel to drive the next wave of investments. We look for partnerships with organizations that our customers have told us they’d like us to work better with. Though we have over 1,000 partners, we put most of our horsepower into the top 50 based on this feedback. Lastly, the opportunity at MongoDB is enormous. If you are looking to work with a product that people love, and you believe there is an opportunity to be well-compensated for selling and building full solutions around a product, you’ll find that at MongoDB. Driving focus via the Partner Specialist teams At the beginning of this year, we created dedicated specialist teams for Cloud, System Integrator, ISV, VAR, and Tech partners. Customers have told us time and time again that they wanted us to become more intimate with their use cases and the associated ecosystem, and we listened. For example, we now have specialized teams for each cloud partner who know their products inside out and focus on strengthening the relationship by sourcing new opportunities for our sales force. This isn’t something you find in most Partner organizations, as it’s more common for teams to be generalists opposed to specialists. We began experimenting with specialization in 2021, and a highlight of this specialization is our partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS). In the past, MongoDB and AWS were viewed as competitors rather than partners. In 2021, both sides realized that it’s better to work together and decided to dedicate individuals to build a partnership that has since resulted in an incredible number of co-sell wins. AWS has leaned into MongoDB and continues to position MongoDB Atlas as a preferred database for customers. This puts MongoDB as one of the top three data partners that AWS has globally, and AWS is now MongoDB’s largest partnership in the world . Scaling without diluting impact MongoDB’s Partner organization has quintupled in size since 2019. We have partners in almost every major location around the world and teams who provide regional coverage. With the ROI we’ve seen from specialization, we’ve invested in more specialists and therefore can provide more dedicated resources to each partner. MongoDB’s Partner organization is known as a place with a winning culture where people consistently deliver results. We’ve had many internal transfers from employees who joined MongoDB in Sales, Sales Development, or Marketing and decided to transition into a role on the Partner team. Similarly, our team is focused on providing opportunities for growth. The number of individuals who joined the Partner team as individual contributors and have since been promoted into Director and VP roles is extraordinary. For example, our VP of System Integrator Partner Specialists, Global Lead of Accenture Partner Specialists, RVP of Capgemini Partner Specialists, RVP of Cloud Programs, Global Lead of AWS Partner Specialists, and RVP of Azure Partner Specialists all began their careers as individual contributors here at MongoDB. As we grow our Partner organization, diversity of background, thought, and experiences will continue to be a key differentiator for us. We value different perspectives and view diversity as a way to better serve our customers. Diversity drives a culture of innovation and investing in inclusion helps us serve customers in all markets, giving us a competitive advantage. The future of MongoDB's Partner organization I’m very excited about our coming year. We continue to look for the next partnership to break records with. Whether it's Alibaba , IBM, Databricks , Carahsoft, Microsoft, or Google , working with partners to find new workloads is key to MongoB’s success. MongoDB plans to continue to invest directly in partners via MongoDB ventures as part of this strategy. We also take great pride in promoting folks into leadership positions and we expect even more of that in the year ahead. Our leaders and I live by one of John McMahon’s mottos: "Too many companies think culture is ping-pong, foosball, and beer taps. Helping people win is a culture. Teaching them how to win on their own is a culture. If people aren’t learning, earning, growing, and being promoted, they’re not staying around for the pool table.” This is why we hope you are interested in joining us. We have great products, specialized partnerships, and most importantly, a winning team of fantastic leaders. Want to be part of a team that takes ownership and makes their work matter? View our open roles today .

March 15, 2023

Working Together: MongoDB's Partner of the Year Awards

Organizations face more pressure than ever to modernize, to innovate, and to become more data-driven. Whether it's AstraZeneca doing next-generation genome sequencing to develop drugs to fight cancer and other diseases, Toyota connecting more than 100,000 warehouse vehicles with integrated telematics to reshape industrialization, or Forbes developing new ways to create and deploy content, many of the world's top companies have chosen to modernize with MongoDB. Today, more than 35,000 customers trust the MongoDB Atlas data platform with their most critical workloads. But we don’t do it alone. MongoDB's partner ecosystem has scaled to every vertical, industry, and geography, delivering MongoDB to tens of thousands of customers. MongoDB partners play many roles in the ecosystem, from extending MongoDB's developer data platform with complementary functionality to building new solutions on MongoDB to offering expertise to implement and modernize databases. Now, we are pleased to announce the 2022 MongoDB Partners of the Year. Although we are grateful for all of the many partners that help MongoDB succeed with customers, this year at MongoDB World we are recognizing a select few that have worked especially closely with us to drive joint success in the past year. The 2022 MongoDB Partners of the Year are Accenture , Alibaba Cloud , AWS , BigID , Capgemini , Carahsoft , commercetools , Confluent , Exafluence , Google Cloud , HCL Technologies , IBM , PeerIslands , Tecnotree , Temenos , and Unqork . We will honor these companies at our partner VIP reception on June 6, 2022. Global System Integrator Partner of the Year Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions across strategy, consulting, applied intelligence, technology, and operations. A core tenet of Accenture’s “Cloud Continuum” approach indicates that the companies who achieve the most value from their cloud transformation journeys are those who go beyond “lift and shift” migrations and drive to “move and improve” their applications onto the cloud. Thus, Accenture is investing heavily in upskilling their consultants on MongoDB, as well as building assets to accelerate their clients’ MongoDB transformations. One example is Smart Data Mover, an Accenture asset designed to simplify and accelerate the process of modernizing legacy applications from relational database systems to MongoDB Atlas on the cloud. As a result, Accenture has been an essential partner in helping enterprises modernize with MongoDB. Learn more about the partnership. Boutique System Integrator Partner of the Year PeerIslands is a service consulting firm focused on providing high-velocity digital transformation. PeerIslands won the Boutique Systems Integrator Partner of the Year in 2021 as well, in recognition of their expertise and outstanding work in the MongoDB ecosystem. The firm consults on cloud transformation strategy and partners on product and data engineering, application transformation, and data science and AI/ML. In addition, PeerIslands has developed a suite of tools that allow for easy adoption of MongoDB and seamless migration of workloads to MongoDB within enterprises. Learn more about the partnership. Rising Star System Integrator Partner of the Year Capgemini is one of the world's foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services. Capgemini and MongoDB have partnered to help re-envision data and advanced business processes so its clients can focus on innovation. Traditional relational database management systems often inhibit performance, falter under heavy volumes, and slow deployment. Capgemini’s new Database Convert & Compare (DCC) tool, built on MongoDB, helps customers develop a new database or migrate from legacy systems to MongoDB. CapGemini has helped grow MongoDB’s footprint in some of the largest Fortune 100 financial services customers contributing large revenue numbers through the partnership, and it has been instrumental in driving MongoDB adoption by identifying new workloads and implementing new use cases for digital transformation, legacy modernization, and app modernization for financial services customers. Learn more about the partnership. System Integrator Certification Partner of the Year HCL Technologies (HCL) is a leading global technology company, helping enterprises reimagine their businesses for the digital age. Their technology products and services are built on four decades of innovation, with a world-renowned management philosophy, a strong culture of invention and risk-taking, and a relentless focus on customer relationships. HCL is partnering with MongoDB across Cloud Migration, Digital Business, and Engineering Services. This award honors partners with the highest number of MongoDB certified champions across the globe, who are skilled to modernize and transform customers' application and infrastructure leveraging MongoDB technologies. Learn more about the partnership. Cloud (Co-Sell) Partner of the Year AWS provides a massive global cloud infrastructure that allows customers to rapidly innovate and iterate. In 2022, AWS and MongoDB entered into a six-year collaboration agreement , which has placed the partnership into hypergrowth. MongoDB and AWS sellers have come together to help customers modernize, accelerate consumption of AWS customer commits, win new workloads, and close on major cross-industry and cross-vertical deals around the world. MongoDB and AWS have also partnered to help customers build modern, event-driven serverless applications, while releasing integrations for Atlas with Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Kinesis, AWS App Runner, AWS PrivateLink, AWS Wavelength, and more in the past year. The launch of Pay-as-You-Go option on AWS Marketplace made it easier for customers to pay for MongoDB Atlas using their AWS account. With additional integrations in the pipeline, there’s so much more to come. Learn more about the partnership. Cloud (Marketplace) Partner of the Year Google Cloud views the data platform as an essential building block of cloud infrastructure. Since launching MongoDB Atlas on Google Cloud Marketplace over the past three years, this partnership has seen rapid adoption and acceleration across industries such as gaming, retail, healthcare, financial services, and automotive. We have integrated MongoDB Atlas with more Google services, including DataStream, BigQuery, DataFlow, Cloud Run, App Engine, Apigee, and Cloud Functions, while also introducing a Pay-as-You-Go option on the Google Cloud Console and Marketplace . More and more Google Cloud customers are choosing to run MongoDB Atlas for a variety of needs, including managing large-scale product catalogs of popular e-commerce websites, building great customer experiences by unifying disparate pieces of data, and building modern global web and mobile applications. Learn more about the partnership. Cloud (Emerging Markets) Partner of the Year Alibaba Cloud is one of MongoDB’s largest Cloud OEM partners. In our third year of partnership with Alibaba Cloud as an authorized MongoDB-as-a-service solution, MongoDB has seen some of its strongest adoption numbers in mainland China, especially in the gaming and automotive industries. With this partnership, Alibaba Cloud ensures end-to-end management and support for customers on current and future versions of MongoDB, with the ability to escalate bug fixes and support issues on their behalf. Users of Alibaba Cloud’s platform offering receive easy access to the latest MongoDB features and capabilities, backed by comprehensive support from Alibaba Cloud and MongoDB. We remain thrilled to further scale this partnership. Try MongoDB on Alibaba Cloud . Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Partner of the Year (Financial Services) Temenos offers cloud-native, cloud-agnostic, API-first digital banking, core banking, payments, fund management, and wealth management software products, enabling banks to deliver consistent, frictionless customer journeys and achieve market-leading cost/income performance. More than 3,800 banks across the globe rely on Temenos to process the client interactions and daily transactions of more than 500 million customers. MongoDB underpins Temenos Transact, which is the most successful and widely used digital core-banking solution in the world. Temenos also selected MongoDB as foundational technology for their microservices transformation journey as they deliver their flagship product, Infinity Digital Banking. Together, we help banks and financial institutions comply with stringent data sovereignty requirements and scale seamlessly. Learn more about the partnership. Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Partner of the Year (Telco) Tecnotree is a digital business support systems (BSS) and digital partner ecosystem provider with more than 40 years of deep domain knowledge, proven delivery, and transformation capability. The company offers digital solutions for Communication & Digital Service Providers across the globe. Leveraging MongoDB technology, Tecnotree delivers world-class BSS and partner ecosystem solutions for telcos, empowering them to deliver insightful and connected customer experiences to their enterprises, consumers and partners. MongoDB powers Tecnotree’s Digital Customer Lifecycle Management Suite, empowering communications service providers (CSPs) to transform their business towards a marketplace of digital services. Learn more about the partnership. Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Partner of the Year (Healthcare) Exafluence is a domain-centric data and analytics company that utilizes modern digital technologies to enhance the competitive advantage of its customers in their markets. Exafluence brings in low-code platforms, accelerators, and expertise across a range of digital technologies to reduce time by 45% to 60% and cost by 25% to 30%, while delivering significantly higher business value. Exafluence has built a variety of technical and business solutions that can be assembled together and customized for specific business scenarios. Some of its key platform offerings include ExfDigital (Data), ExfInsights (Analytics), ExfHealth (Healthcare), and ExfIndustry (IoT). Learn more about the partnership. Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Partner of the Year (Retail) Commercetools ’ world-leading commerce platform, built on modern MACH principles (microservice-based, API-first, cloud-native and headless), is driving the future of digital commerce. Fully powered by MongoDB Atlas, the Commercetools suite allows brands to work with, not around, their commerce solution to tailor experiences to the exact needs of the business and its customers. Through this partnership, Commercetools has made MongoDB the optimal system of record for an even broader range of business-critical applications. Learn more about the partnership. Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Partner of the Year (Security) BigID’s data intelligence and privacy platform allows customers to rely on actual data discovered across the enterprise and cloud, rather than surveys and interviews, to ensure privacy compliance. To generate data insights at scale, automate advanced discovery and classification, and accommodate complex enterprise requirements, BigID chose MongoDB to power their platform. MongoDB’s data platform provides a flexible, reliable and scalable solution to customers across any vertical. Learn more about the partnership. Technology Partner of the Year Founded by the original developers of Apache Kafka, Confluent delivers the most complete distribution of Kafka with Confluent Platform. Real-time event streaming (data-in-motion) from Confluent complements the modern general-purpose distributed document database platform (for data-at-rest) from MongoDB, enabling organizations to run their business in real-time and to build fast-moving applications enriched with historical context. Learn more about the partnership. Distributor Partner of the Year Carahsoft is a trusted, long-standing MongoDB partner, and it continues to be one of our largest resellers in the world. Carahsoft’s depth and reach in the public sector market helps government agencies leverage open technologies to drive innovation, maximize cost efficiencies, and achieve success for their digital modernization initiatives. The company has been critical to growing MongoDB’s government agency and civilian business, and we’re excited for what’s next. Learn more about the partnership. Hybrid Cloud Partner of the Year IBM is a global technology company that provides infrastructure, software, hybrid cloud services, and cognitive computing to global enterprise clients. IBM played an instrumental role in helping one of the world’s largest banks launch their internal MongoDB-as-a-service on the IBM LinuxONE platform for their most critical financial applications. Our strategic partnership has helped customers powering applications on IBM Power platform and those requiring a fully managed database-as-a-service on IBM Cloud. Our OEM Partnership with Data & AI solutions and integration with IBM Cloud Pak for Data (ICP) has helped create success stories at large enterprises across the globe. By leveraging the flexibility of MongoDB on IBM Cloud Pak for Data, customers can get to market faster, iterate faster, and attract new customers faster, without sacrificing security or control. Learn more about the partnership. MongoDB for Startups Program to Unicorn Partner of the Year Unqork ’s enterprise no-code platform helps leading organizations build, deploy, and manage complex software without having to think about code. Unqork created the codeless architecture standard to free the world’s largest enterprises from the pitfalls of legacy code and allow them to focus on innovation to drive business and maintain a competitive edge. In 2017, also the year of its founding, Unqork joined the MongoDB for Startups program, which gave them free access to get started on MongoDB Atlas. Since then, Unqork has raised $414 million in funding and is valued at $2 billion. MongoDB is thrilled for Unqork’s success and honored to be a part of their journey. Learn more about the partnership. Learn more about being a MongoDB partner. Visit our list of partners to see all of our partners.

June 6, 2022