Data API and HTTPS Endpoints are Deprecated?


When I access one of my App Services applications, I noticed a new message:

Data API and HTTPS Endpoints are Deprecated
Data API and HTTPS Endpoints will be removed on September 30, 2025. Learn more

However, the link provided does not work. Could you confirm if this deprecation is accurate? I have several production apps that rely on HTTPS endpoints, so I would like to understand the impact.

Thank you.


Same here. Whats the impact of this?

Yes the Data API and HTTPS Endpoints are deprecated and will reach end of life in 2025. We’re fleshing out a number of alternative architectures to achieve the same ends on this docs page:

Hi there, little bit annoying.

We use PowerAutomate and this utilises the DATA API, since this is low code and very simple to develop. The alternatives seem to only create additional cost in development, time and effort.

Are there any plans to enable maybe data federation as a simple connector to powerAutomate or any of the powerplatform in M365

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I find this quite concerning. Could you clarify what other services you plan to deprecate in the future? It raises questions about the reliability of using Atlas services for our production environment if key features are discontinued.

App Services, particularly HTTPS Endpoints, provided a valuable way to build a full backend within these apps. Now that they are being deprecated, the platform feels incomplete. This makes it harder to justify using it over alternatives like AWS, which offer more comprehensive services.



Thank you very much for the information, Andrew. I see that the link is now working. I will stay in contact with the customer support team regarding the migration process.

That being said, I would like to express that I believe MongoDB is not treating its developers with respect, and let me explain: when MongoDB launches a new product, we evaluate it and TRUST that this technology will be available for our applications for a reasonable period of time. The timeline in which they are promoting and retiring products (GraphQL, HTTPS, Hosting, Data API) does not seem reasonable to me.

We all understand that a company’s roadmap may change, but we expect that when a product is no longer strategic for MongoDB, it can still be used in maintenance mode for several years.

With the announcement of the retirement of their products, we now have one year to restructure and migrate our applications, in some cases, newly built applications. We all have our own backlog of tasks and goals. This disrupts our outlook for the next 12 months, where we now have to include everything related to these migrations. It’s not fair.

I understand that a product may have poor metrics, may not have performed well, or may not fit within your current goals and strategies, but if this happens, there is a responsibility to those developers who trusted your company to maintain it, at least for a reasonable amount of time.

Best regards


This is extremely frustrating. I expect to see a reduction in the cost of our Atlas subscription next year as you will have:-

  • reduced the available functionality
  • cost each user of these functions time and effort to replace them.

Disappointed. I expected better from you.


Sorry but will we ever hear any understandable reason for this? Are you planning to shut down Atlas and with this action you prepare the lose as much customers as possible in before?

There is no other reason than that possible - because you basically shut down a huge amount of functionality (and I bet you won’t lower costs). We, as a company who relied on Atlas just feel cheated by you - and that is really sad because we had a really good opinion about MongoDB in general but after that announcement our trust is lost.


This is pretty bad news!

I don’t think you are actually offering an alternative, one of the services we use the most is REALM, we rebuild one of the apps we use the most from the ground up to be base with REALM, we can not just switch to something else like that, you should offer an alternative ( a real clear alternative) or a legacy service for more than a year, maybe 5.

Your services was the main reason we moved into Atlas, the features you offer were great, without this, not sure what to expect.
Other comapnies when encounter this situation they offer a clear alternative an a migration process, we should have this and again not just one year.

What is the reason behind all of this?


For many of us, removing the Data API and HTTPS Endpoints effectively renders App Services inaccessible. As someone who had glowing reviews for Mongo and has spent the better part of a year building a company around App Services, I’m beyond dispointed - I’m in a hole that I don’t have time to dig out of. Anyone accessing Mongo App Services from the Web or Cloudflare is basically cut off. I can only hope Mongo reverses course or provides an alternative means of accessing App Services from Workers & the Web.


Well I think i may have found my solution

Introducing the Data API Preview in vCore-based Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB


Dear community members,

We understand that our recent announcement to deprecate services is raising some questions and some of our users will be meaningfully impacted by this news. We would like to reiterate our commitment to supporting you through the transition before the end-of-life (EOL) of these services in September 2025 to ensure the solutions you’ve built on our platform can continue to produce successful outcomes for you and your users.

The decision to deprecate those services was not taken lightly, but it will allow us to refocus our efforts on providing customers with a better experience with our other services and double down on our investments in the core database and Atlas services.

Some alternatives already exist for the HTTPS Endpoints and Data API, which are more mature and fully integrated with MongoDB. AWS Lambda, Azure Functions and Google Cloud Functions, amongst others, offer various full-featured serverless functions that can integrate with your MongoDB instances. You can find more at

Our team is dedicated to continuing to develop resources to help you navigate this migration process. In the meantime, if you need support along the way, you can contact our support team.

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Why should we stick with MongoDB and use 3rd Party Services (that we have to pay then too) to get a functionality that ran totally fine for years?
Why should we not just move away from MongoDB totally since you highly disrespect your customers and shut down important features without providing time to react?

Esp. because of your sentence that indicates that Atlas as a whole will be shut down in the near future … at least give us a proper preparation time.

and double down on our investments in the core database


Fortunately, Microsoft just announced support for Data API in their MongoDB vCore offering.

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Hi Everyone,

Just wrote a simple implementation of the Data API and Custom HTTP Endpoint in TypeScript. Feel free to use, share, improve, and suggest new features.


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You should also know some (like me didn’t bother understanding with other ‘complex’ alternatives (which really aren’t substitutes… just more work). Data API was the only reason I was using Mongodb.


If you are looking for a complete and fully open-source alternative to the Data API and HTTPS Endpoints, have a look at RESTHeart.

Disclaimer: I’m one of the project’s contributors.


Absolutely devastating. After building a new small team of developers and going all-in on MongoDB Atlas/Cloud/Realm, we will now have to spend a good amount of time and money over the next year plotting a replacement.


Completely agree. Any and all trust is lost and, honestly, I’m livid at this. Yes, tech products come and go all the time, but to drop support for something with this level of global use is straight up irresponsible.

I can only hope that this is some poorly executed setup for them to announce an equivalent but better product, but that seems highly unlikely. Even if it was the most botched setup for an announcement, no matter what you’re adding probably tens of thousands of dev-hours for people that pay you.


Dear community members,

We want to acknowledge that we hear the impact the end-of-life of these services has on you and your users. We understand the challenges this change brings, and we are committed to provide clarity and support during this transition.

To assist, we’ve updated our website with additional context and responses to many of your questions.

We are actively working with partners to deliver full-featured integrations, and plan to announce additional partner alternatives in the near future.

We recognize that these features are integral to many of our customers’ products and services, and some may need additional time and support to move to an alternative solution. Rest assured, we will be checking in with our customers on their migration progress and are committed to working with each of you on a path forward. In particular we understand that many of you are concerned about the Device Sync timeline. If you feel that you need more time, please reach out to your account executive, MongoDB Support Portal, or if you are not a subscription customer, please use the chat feature when logged into MongoDB Atlas.