Mongodb Compass dialog not opening

I have installed MongoDB on Windows Server 2019. It installs successfully and the service is running on 27017. The Compass icon is on the desktop, however when I try to open it nothing happens. I’ve tried both double-clicking the icon and going to the file location and running it from the command line, and it still the Compass application will not open. Is there some log file I can check to see what went wrong? Thanks.

Did Compass install went fine?What is the version
There is no log for Compass
Normally it should open Compass screen when you click on the icon
Do you have shell installed on your pc?Can you connect to mongod
Show us screenshots

There is, actually, a log file. It’s not yet mentioned in the docs but it’s there.

The easiest way to access the log file is from Compass itself (Help > Open Log File) but this is not useful in this case.

You should find your logs in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\mongodb\compass.


I’m having the same issue with Windows Server 2019. With a fresh install of MongoDB, Compass interface will not show. The process is running in the taskmgr but no GUI

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Check these links

MongoDB Compass 1.22.1 for “Initializing” issue

Was Compass installed with the EXE? If yes, it’s a known issue that we are looking into. I would recommend using the MSI installer.

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I used mongoDB msi installer and compass got installed with it. mongodb-windows-x86_64-5.0.6-signed. Is that what you are referring to?

Ah, I see. Can you try reinstalling Compass using its own MSI? You can find it here: MongoDB Compass Download | MongoDB.

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I uninstalled the previous version and installed the version you suggested and it worked fine. Thanks for taking the time to address this.


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i downloaded and installed mongodb compass but .exe file is not inside the bin folder and mongodb icon also not open in desktop i dont know how to open the campass local desktop. before i used mongodb once installed it will open automatically now campass is not opening please give some suggestion?

What is your os?
You should see executable file.May be you are checking under mongodb/bin
Check under Compass install directory
On Windows from programs you can find Compass
or go to installed directory you will find Compass executable

I tried it with MSI but after installation when I try opening the compass its not opening at all. How can i open it? Thanks!

What error are you getting?
Pl show with a screenshot
Did you try from bin dir clicking on the executable

I have installed Compass and when I try to open Compass by clicking on MongoDB Compass nothing happens my. I have tried opening it from the bin location as well; again nothing happens. I currently using windows 8.1. Do I need a newer version of windows?

Is your Windows 32bit or 64bit?
Mongodb supports only 64bit
As per download page Win64-bit 8.1+ version needed to install 1.10.1 version

Thanks for the reply! I have 64 bit windows 8.1 on my computer.

I too am using Windows 8.1.

It seems there is no msi for downloading Compass at:

I went here and expanded the assets to find the .msi although I used the .exe file which worked fine:

I got Version 1.36.4 working although 1.37 may have worked (I want to get to work and I’m too lazy to mess with it right now).

I tried .exe and. zip as well but they didn’t too, so I upgraded my system instead.

I had the same problem with the last version 1.38.2. I’ve updated the from 1.37. The program does not run.
Looking in the Application Logs of Windows: I’ve got Exception code: 0x80000003.
I’ve tried to install it on Windows Server 2022. The same problem.
The only solution is to install again the 1.37 version.

Win11 x64 here:
I tried upgrading from a very old version (1.25.0) to 1.39.0, but no Compass shows up after launching. 3x compass processes are launched, but they do nothing. A log file is created, but not closed.

Happens regardless of .exe or .msi, but the 1.39.0-beta.2 worked here, at least in MSI.