Package-level declarations


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Create a Distance object from degrees.

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Create a Distance object from kilometers. (mention equatorial distance)

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Create a Distance object from miles. (mention equatorial distance)

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Create a Distance object from radians.


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fun <T : BaseRealmObject> T.asFlow(keyPaths: List<String>? = null): Flow<ObjectChange<T>>

Observe changes to a Realm object. The flow would emit an InitialObject once subscribed and then, on every change to the object an UpdatedObject. If the observed object is deleted from the Realm, the flow would emit a DeletedObject and then will complete, otherwise it will continue running until canceled.

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Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a BaseRealmObject value.

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Returns a BacklinksDelegate that represents the inverse relationship between two an EmbeddedRealmObject and a TypedRealmObject.

inline fun <T : TypedRealmObject> RealmObject.backlinks(sourceProperty: KProperty1<T, *>): BacklinksDelegate<T>

Returns a BacklinksDelegate that represents the inverse relationship between two Realm models.

fun <T : TypedRealmObject> EmbeddedRealmObject.backlinks(    sourceProperty: KProperty1<T, *>,     sourceClass: KClass<T>): EmbeddedBacklinksDelegate<T>

Defines a backlink that represents a one-to-one inverse relationship between an EmbeddedRealmObject and a TypedRealmObject.

fun <T : TypedRealmObject> RealmObject.backlinks(sourceProperty: KProperty1<T, *>, sourceClass: KClass<T>): BacklinksDelegate<T>

Defines a collection of backlinks that represents the inverse relationship between two Realm models. Any direct relationship, one-to-one or one-to-many, can be reversed by backlinks.

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inline fun <T : TypedRealmObject> T.copyFromRealm(depth: UInt = UInt.MAX_VALUE): T

Makes an unmanaged in-memory copy of an already persisted io.realm.kotlin.types.RealmObject. This is a deep copy that will copy all referenced objects.

inline fun <T : TypedRealmObject> RealmResults<T>.copyFromRealm(depth: UInt = UInt.MAX_VALUE): List<T>

Makes an unmanaged in-memory copy of the elements in a RealmResults. This is a deep copy that will copy all referenced objects.

inline fun <T : RealmObject> RealmDictionary<T?>.copyFromRealm(depth: UInt = UInt.MAX_VALUE): Map<String, T?>

Makes an unmanaged in-memory copy of the elements in a managed RealmDictionary. This is a deep copy that will copy all referenced objects.

inline fun <T : TypedRealmObject> RealmList<T>.copyFromRealm(depth: UInt = UInt.MAX_VALUE): List<T>

Makes an unmanaged in-memory copy of the elements in a managed RealmList. This is a deep copy that will copy all referenced objects.

inline fun <T : RealmObject> RealmSet<T>.copyFromRealm(depth: UInt = UInt.MAX_VALUE): Set<T>

Makes an unmanaged in-memory copy of the elements in a managed RealmSet. This is a deep copy that will copy all referenced objects.

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Returns whether the object is frozen or not.

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Returns whether or not this object is managed by Realm.

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Returns true if this object is still valid to use, i.e. the Realm is open and the underlying object has not been deleted. Unmanaged objects are always valid.

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Returns a TypedRealmObject that represents the parent that hosts the embedded object.

Gets the parent of the embedded object, embedded objects always have an unique parent, that could be a RealmObject or another EmbeddedRealmObject.

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inline fun <T : TypedRealmObject> MutableRealm.query(query: String = TRUE_PREDICATE, vararg args: Any?): RealmQuery<T>
inline fun <T : TypedRealmObject> Realm.query(query: String = TRUE_PREDICATE, vararg args: Any?): RealmQuery<T>
inline fun <T : TypedRealmObject> TypedRealm.query(query: String = TRUE_PREDICATE, vararg args: Any?): RealmQuery<T>

Returns a RealmQuery matching the predicate represented by query.

fun <T : BaseRealmObject> RealmDictionary<T?>.query(filter: String = TRUE_PREDICATE, vararg arguments: Any?): RealmQuery<T>

Query the objects in a dictionary by filter and arguments. The query is launched against the output obtained from RealmDictionary.values. This means keys are not taken into consideration.

fun <T : BaseRealmObject> RealmList<T>.query(filter: String = TRUE_PREDICATE, vararg arguments: Any?): RealmQuery<T>

Query the objects in a list by filter and arguments.

fun <T : BaseRealmObject> RealmSet<T>.query(filter: String = TRUE_PREDICATE, vararg arguments: Any?): RealmQuery<T>

Query the objects in a set by filter and arguments.

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fun realmAnyDictionaryOf(vararg values: Pair<String, Any?>): RealmAny

Create a RealmAny containing a RealmDictionary with all argument values wrapped as RealmAnys.

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fun realmAnyListOf(vararg values: Any?): RealmAny

Create a RealmAny containing a RealmList of all arguments wrapped as RealmAnys.

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fun realmAnyOf(value: Any?): RealmAny?

Create a RealmAny encapsulating the value argument.

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Instantiates an unmanaged RealmDictionaryMutableEntry from a Pair of String and V that can be added to an entry set produced by RealmDictionary.entries. It is possible to add an unmanaged entry to a dictionary entry set. This will result in the entry being copied to Realm, updating the underlying RealmDictionary.

Instantiates an unmanaged RealmMapMutableEntry from another Map.Entry that can be added to an entry set produced by RealmDictionary.entries. It is possible to add an unmanaged entry to a dictionary entry set. This will result in the entry being copied to Realm, updating the underlying RealmDictionary.

Instantiates an unmanaged RealmMapMutableEntry from a key-value pair that can be added to an entry set produced by RealmDictionary.entries. It is possible to add an unmanaged entry to a dictionary entry set. This will result in the entry being copied to Realm, updating the underlying RealmDictionary.

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fun <T> realmDictionaryOf(vararg elements: Pair<String, T>): RealmDictionary<T>

Instantiates an unmanaged RealmDictionary from a variable number of Pairs of String and T.

Instantiates an unmanaged RealmDictionary from a Collection of Pairs of String and T.

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fun <T> realmListOf(vararg elements: T): RealmList<T>

Instantiates an unmanaged RealmList.

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fun <T> realmSetOf(vararg elements: T): RealmSet<T>

Instantiates an unmanaged RealmSet.

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Instantiates an unmanaged RealmDictionary containing all the elements of this iterable of Pairs of Strings and Ts.

Instantiates an unmanaged RealmDictionary containing all the elements of the receiver dictionary represented by a Map of String to T pairs.

Instantiates an unmanaged RealmDictionary containing all the elements of the receiver RealmDictionaryEntrySet.

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Instantiates an unmanaged RealmList containing all the elements of this iterable.

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Instantiates an unmanaged RealmSet containing all the elements of this iterable.

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Returns the Realm version of this object. This version number is tied to the transaction the object was read from.